Last Update -24/01/23 5:14pm

 I live in NZ

Hello Everyone glad to be back on - hopefully for a while.
I live in New Zealand - a cool island  far away east of Aussie.
and I love living in NZ
Also I have finished school and now am working.
Age - between 16 and 23 - not telling u 
Crush - Um! No 
I Believe in God - Yes and I am proud too 

Check out my Colour Blast  in the Magic Tent shop place- by the way it is not blurry! 

Help families in need of food Every $42 donated provides a food box for a desperate family suffering from poverty. 
Family Food Box – helping officers, help our community. Every year, thousands of Kiwi families are struggling to make ends meet with continual rising costs of housing, schooling and everyday food necessities. Sadly, this often results in family violence and situations where police become involved.

Just a true story for you!
On Monday the 24th of November 2019 my class went to White Island, we fund raised for it. It was an amazing experience in my life. But 2 weeks later i had one of the biggest shock in my life, 
On Monday the 9th of December only 2 weeks after, White island erupted. The guide that took us around white Island was one of the people that went into a coma - i couldn't believe what i had heard, that the same time 2 weeks ago my class was standing at the edge of that crater. 
The scary thing about it, was that in the eruption there was boiling mud and one of the guides said it wasn't meant to be there. and when our class was there. There was Boiling mud!! - so there was warning just no one took it as a warning. I still can not believe it but it happen, my whole class of only 9 is lucky to be alive. 

Looking for:
Sparrow/Owl Feathers Please
Volatile Gunpowder Please
Silver Ingots Please

Wasabi roots please



For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
 John 3:16


Ladybug niveau/8

60nd with 1 926 points

piece-petit 68 964 coins

279 active days

Registered april 21 2020

Last connection april 16 2023

alchimiste Alchemist 95 jardinier Gardener 67 ecusson 63 clan wins
experience 920 trophy points

vente Look at the sales

His/Her friends (62)

His/Her bests bunnies

exp 430 (v) Pandours 812,28 (64,69%)
Angora -⭐ Angora 965,35 (78,27%)
Sell Original 933,61 (76,79%)
M-493.62 Lop-eared 493,62 (40,45%)
Alex Mini-Lop 991,45 (80,61%)

Plag Angora 884,31 (71,70%)
Tikki Angora 876,22 (71,05%)
» See his/her lineages

His/Her bunnies (14)

exp 430 (v) masculin objet/magie/boost-competence.png objet/magie/trefle-or.png objet/magie/immortel.png

exp 430 (v)
Speed: 287 +15 / 287,10
Acceleration: 271 +22 / 271,37
Stamina 253 +17 / 253,81
etoile-bleu plusplusdemi-plus

Delisio masculin objet/magie/trefle-or.png

Speed: 323 / 323,45
Acceleration: 255 +3 / 255,99
Stamina 268 +1 / 268,22
etoile-bleu plusdemi-plus

Peggy feminin

Speed: 323 -1 / 323,89
Acceleration: 246 +1 / 246,78
Stamina 268 / 268,60
etoile-bleu demi-moins

Sell masculin

Speed: 362 -2 / 362,92
Acceleration: 283 +2 / 283,73
Stamina 299 / 299,94
etoile-bleu demi-moins

Sell feminin

Speed: 310 / 310,66
Acceleration: 312 +2 / 312,00
Stamina 310 +1 / 310,95

Megan feminin

Speed: 335 -2 / 335,06
Acceleration: 266 +2 / 266,01
Stamina 278 / 278,75
etoile-bleu demi-plus

Carter masculin

Speed: 337 -1 / 337,04
Acceleration: 266 +1 / 266,01
Stamina 281 / 281,26
etoile-bleu plus

M-493.62 masculin

Speed: 138 -1 / 138,12
Acceleration: 192 +1 / 192,28
Stamina 163 / 163,22

Alex masculin objet/magie/trefle-or.png objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 330 +47 / 330,47
Acceleration: 330 +13 / 330,57
Stamina 330 +34 / 330,41
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu moins

Angora -⭐ feminin

Angora -⭐
Speed: 369 -3 / 369,84
Acceleration: 289 +4 / 289,20
Stamina 306 -1 / 306,31

Zoe feminin

Speed: 22 / 337,54
Acceleration: 16 / 257,28
Stamina 18 / 281,40

F-874.33 feminin

Speed: 0 / 339,32
Acceleration: 0 / 254,72
Stamina 0 / 280,29

M-867.38 masculin

Speed: 0 / 332,69
Acceleration: 0 / 257,73
Stamina 0 / 276,96

Ben masculin

Speed: 22 / 336,36
Acceleration: 16 / 258,52
Stamina 18 / 279,62

His/Her Conservatory (0)

droite His/Her heaven

His/Her history

No news from your friends for the moment…