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#2386. - Sunday, at 6:30pm



1st AlphaRob 2nd Nanabozo 3nd kaedyn03


Panda Sablé

Nain Renard

1st AlphaRob 2nd cloclo1809 3nd kaedyn03

1st AlphaRob 2nd cloclo1809 3nd kaedyn03

Angora satin

Nain Rex

1st AlphaRob 2nd cloclo1809 3nd kaedyn03

1st AlphaRob 2nd cloclo1809 3nd Nanabozo


Bélier Teddy

Nain Cendré

Panda Feu


Hunter's Tournament - Sunday, at 12:45pm

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st AlphaRob The player wins: poudre-instable x 20 ecaille-poisson x 10 lingot-argent x 15
2nd momito The player wins: lingot-fer x 10 plume-hiboux x 10 decolorant x 5
3nd Nanabozo The player wins: acide x 20 lingot-or x 5 charbon x 20
4nd UDRZ The player wins: plume-ange x 5 ecaille-crocodile x 8 perle x 20
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

Alchemist's Tournament - February 13

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st momito The player wins: diamant x 6 plume-moineau x 15 ecaille-dragon x 5
2nd AlphaRob The player wins: plume-hiboux x 10 fiole x 20 pepite-argent x 15
3nd UDRZ The player wins: plume-ange x 5 ecaille-poisson x 10 poudre-instable x 20
4nd Nanabozo The player wins: decolorant x 5 diamant x 4 ecaille-crocodile x 5
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

Gardener's Tournament - February 10

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st UDRZ The player wins: chaudron x 1 romarin x 30 carotte x 40
2nd momito The player wins: mortier-pierre x 1 menthe x 30 romarin x 35
3nd Leon The player wins: marmite x 1 carotte x 30 epinard x 30
4nd Waffle The player wins: four-terre x 1 pomme x 30 persil x 30
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

Blacksmith Tournament - February 6

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st UDRZ The player wins: four-pierre x 1 acide x 10 plume-moineau x 5
2nd AlphaRob The player wins: distillateur x 1 topaze x 5 charbon x 10
3nd Nanabozo The player wins: ecaille-dragon x 5 four-terre x 1 carotte x 30
4nd momito The player wins: masse x 1 diamant x 5 lingot-or x 3
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

Decorator's Tournament - February 3

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st AlphaRob The player wins: diamant x 10 soda x 15 plume-hiboux x 10
2nd kaedyn03 The player wins: lingot-fer x 8 gestation-acceleree x 8 perle-noire x 10
3nd Nanabozo The player wins: topaze x 5 plume-ange x 3 experience-grande x 10
4nd Leon The player wins: lingot-fer x 4 gestation-acceleree x 6 saphir x 4
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

#2386. - February 1



1st AlphaRob 2nd kaedyn03 3nd Nanabozo

Panda Sablé


Nain Renard

1st AlphaRob 2nd cloclo1809 3nd kaedyn03

1st AlphaRob 2nd cloclo1809 3nd kaedyn03

Nain Rex

Angora satin

1st AlphaRob 2nd cloclo1809 3nd kaedyn03

1st AlphaRob 2nd cloclo1809 3nd kaedyn03

Bélier Teddy


Nain Cendré

Panda Feu


Chocolate bunny - January 31

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st AlphaRob The player wins: charbon x 11 noisetier x 22 plume-ange x 5
2nd cloclo1809 The player wins: charbon x 10 noisetier x 20 plume-ange x 4
3nd Nanabozo The player wins: charbon x 9 noisetier x 18 plume-ange x 3
4nd UDRZ The player wins: charbon x 8 noisetier x 16 plume-ange x 2
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

Exposia - January 28

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st AlphaRob The player wins: radis x 22 plume-moineau x 8 ecaille-crocodile x 7
2nd Pussyfoot The player wins: radis x 20 plume-moineau x 7 ecaille-crocodile x 6
3nd UDRZ The player wins: radis x 18 plume-moineau x 6 ecaille-crocodile x 5
4nd Nanabozo The player wins: radis x 16 plume-moineau x 5 ecaille-crocodile x 4
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

The lottery winners - January 24

Mr. Turtle has drawn the winning lottery tickets, here are the results:

Winners of pepite-fer x 3 lingot-fer x 1 petit-boost-vitesse x 1 : momito momito momito momito Waffle Waffle momito momito
Winners of topaze x 1 poudre-instable x 3 lingot-argent x 1 palme x 1 : Waffle momito Waffle momito momito momito Waffle momito momito
Winners of lingot-or x 1 fil-peche x 4 petit-boost-vitesse x 1 : Waffle momito Waffle momito Waffle Waffle Waffle Waffle Waffle

Well done to the winners and to all our participants!
See you for the next lottery draw...

Crazy tournament - January 23

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st AlphaRob The player wins: ecaille-dragon x 2 plus-ligue x 1 energie-moyenne x 3
2nd Leon The player wins: ecaille-dragon x 3 plus-ligue x 2 energie-moyenne x 4
3nd Nanabozo The player wins: ecaille-dragon x 4 plus-ligue x 3 energie-moyenne x 5
4nd Lola621 The player wins: ecaille-dragon x 5 plus-ligue x 4 energie-moyenne x 6
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

The lottery winners - January 21

Mr. Turtle has drawn the winning lottery tickets, here are the results:

Winners of moutarde x 7 experience-moyenne x 3 celeri x 10 palme x 4 : Lola621 Waffle Waffle Waffle
Winners of celeri x 7 moutarde x 4 bambou-pourri x 1 palme x 3 : Lola621 Waffle Quentin 67 Quentin 67 Faneris Waffle Waffle Faneris Faneris Waffle Waffle Waffle Quentin 67
Winners of moutarde x 7 experience-moyenne x 3 celeri x 10 palme x 2 : Waffle Quentin 67 Waffle Quentin 67 Waffle Waffle Waffle Waffle Faneris Lola621 Quentin 67 Waffle Quentin 67 Faneris Waffle Waffle

Well done to the winners and to all our participants!
See you for the next lottery draw...

Green - January 20

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st AlphaRob The player wins: fumier-foudroyant x 11 acide x 16 salade-simple x 5
2nd UDRZ The player wins: fumier-foudroyant x 10 acide x 15 salade-simple x 4
3nd Nanabozo The player wins: fumier-foudroyant x 9 acide x 14 salade-simple x 4
4nd Pussyfoot The player wins: fumier-foudroyant x 8 acide x 13 salade-simple x 4
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

Gray or Red - January 17

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st Leon The player wins: diamant x 7 tuyau x 16 particule-lune x 22
2nd AlphaRob The player wins: diamant x 6 tuyau x 15 particule-lune x 20
3nd Nanabozo The player wins: diamant x 5 tuyau x 14 particule-lune x 18
4nd UDRZ The player wins: diamant x 4 tuyau x 13 particule-lune x 16
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

#2386. - January 16



1st AlphaRob 2nd Reaper 3nd Nanabozo


Panda Sablé

Nain Renard

1st AlphaRob 2nd cloclo1809 3nd Reaper

1st AlphaRob 2nd cloclo1809 3nd Reaper

Angora satin

Nain Rex

1st AlphaRob 2nd cloclo1809 3nd Reaper

1st AlphaRob 2nd cloclo1809 3nd Reaper


Bélier Teddy

Nain Cendré

Panda Feu


All bunnies - January 14

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st Leon The player wins: fleur x 25 ecaille-dragon x 1 crotte x 22
2nd AlphaRob The player wins: fleur x 23 ecaille-dragon x 1 crotte x 20
3nd UDRZ The player wins: fleur x 21 ecaille-dragon x 1 crotte x 18
4nd Nanabozo The player wins: fleur x 19 ecaille-dragon x 1 crotte x 16
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

The lottery winners - January 13

Mr. Turtle has drawn the winning lottery tickets, here are the results:

Winners of plume-moineau x 3 fumier-simple x 3 carotte x 6 : DemonAscended DemonAscended DemonAscended DemonAscended DemonAscended cloclo1809 DemonAscended DemonAscended cloclo1809 cloclo1809
Winners of plume-moineau x 3 fumier-simple x 2 carotte x 4 : DemonAscended cloclo1809 cloclo1809 DemonAscended cloclo1809 cloclo1809 DemonAscended DemonAscended DemonAscended cloclo1809
Winners of plume-moineau x 3 fumier-simple x 3 carotte x 6 : DemonAscended DemonAscended cloclo1809 DemonAscended cloclo1809 cloclo1809 DemonAscended DemonAscended DemonAscended DemonAscended

Well done to the winners and to all our participants!
See you for the next lottery draw...

The lottery winners - January 10

Mr. Turtle has drawn the winning lottery tickets, here are the results:

Winners of lessive x 2 fleur x 4 soda x 3 : AlphaRob AlphaRob AlphaRob AlphaRob AlphaRob momito AlphaRob momito
Winners of soda x 2 lessive x 2 fleur x 5 : momito momito momito momito
Winners of lessive x 2 fleur x 4 soda x 3 : momito AlphaRob AlphaRob kaedyn03 AlphaRob AlphaRob AlphaRob momito
Winners of soda x 2 lessive x 2 fleur x 5 : momito momito AlphaRob momito

Well done to the winners and to all our participants!
See you for the next lottery draw...

Old bunnies - January 10

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st Lola621 The player wins: piece-petit x 400 elixire-jeunesse x 58 bon-poids x 16
2nd AlphaRob The player wins: piece-petit x 350 elixire-jeunesse x 7 bon-poids x 14
3nd Leon The player wins: piece-petit x 300 elixire-jeunesse x 6 bon-poids x 12
4nd Pussyfoot The player wins: piece-petit x 250 elixire-jeunesse x 5 bon-poids x 10
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

Young bunnies - January 7

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st Nanabozo The player wins: piece-petit x 400 vieillissement x 5 soda x 16
2nd Pussyfoot The player wins: piece-petit x 350 vieillissement x 4 soda x 14
3nd kaedyn03 The player wins: piece-petit x 300 vieillissement x 3 soda x 12
4nd Lola621 The player wins: piece-petit x 250 vieillissement x 2 soda x 10
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule