It`s been a while guys. Formerly known as ThatBookNerd15 or Lele894 (yes I forget my account a lot)

I am currently looking for:
Bundle of Sprigs
Palm Leafs
Unique Necklaces 
If you have any of these please message me


GotBunnies? niveau/8

173nd with 1 045 points

piece-petit 43 797 coins

172 active days

Registered november 11 2020

Last connection june 9 2021

alchimiste Alchemist 43 jardinier Gardener 20 ecusson 39 clan wins
experience 770 trophy points

vente Look at the sales

His/Her friends (24)

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His/Her bunnies (1)

Magic Night masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Magic Night
Speed: 36 -4 / 36,00
Acceleration: 36 +5 / 36,00
Stamina 36 -1 / 36,00
etoileetoile moins

His/Her Conservatory (0)

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