Within The Ranks

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chat Within The Ranks
by J61103 june 2018

775 points
August 2018
account deleted niveau/7 facteur

"She was this nasty she-wolf who would always pick fights and create mischief. All of the elders started calling her Mayhem, and one night after the killings started she was found attacking another wolf. He was almost killed, but she was exiled from the pack because of it. I was only half a year old then, (I think that's how the timeline if lining up?) and she has sabotaged investigations on the hunt for the killer and has ruined hunts before." He growled.
August 2018
a stranger niveau/
Val| Patrol
"My god. Why would a pack member do so?"
2 020 points
August 2018

A spark leapt up in Kira’s eyes at the mention of her previous packmate. “Sanguine?” She repeated, staring Night down. “You think this is the work of her?” She bent to sniff the scrap of fur he was talking about. A growl rumbled in her throat. “I thought she would be better than this, but yet I’m not surprised.” Of course she knew Mayhem, every wolf that wasn't a pup knew of her. She’d grown quite the infamous reputation. “I always knew she was trouble.”
1 011 points
August 2018
Amber | Patrol

Amber was a bit taken aback. Not that Sanguine would do something like this, but that she was in the area. Surely she wasn't planning something. Amber was not ready to have one of her first hunts as lead huntress be ruined by some lowlife she-wolf. At Val she shrugged. "She does what she wants," she replied, "but do note where it got her." Amber didn't want this young wolf to get the idea that rule breaking was at all a positive thing. Especially if she hunted with her in the future.

Obsidian | Aspen

Obsidian nodded. "Arctic hare sounds pretty good," he replied. He would've liked something bigger, but he didn't want to argue. He stuck his nose in the air. "I don't smell anything," he said after sniffing for a while. He looked discouraged.
August 2018
a stranger niveau/
Val| Patrol
Val started to shake visibly before realizing she was. Maybe she was just to young to understand. "Yes, Amber."
2 020 points
August 2018
Eclipse strutted proudly into camp, her snout lifted high into the air, showing off her catch. She placed it on the ground, her tail wagging furiously. Her beaming expression dulled when she noticed the wolves in camp looked worried, and they spoke in quiet murmurs. "What's going on?" she called out, looking for a wolf she knew.


Kira was silent for a moment, surveying her surroundings. A cold breeze flattened her white fur, and her ears twitched. She glanced around at her patrol, trying to decide what to do. "Well, let's take this fur with us." She said, gesturing towards it. "And we'll sniff around a little more this area. If you find anything else, call out." She padded in a direction to investigate, her paws crunching in the snow.
1 011 points
August 2018
Amber | Patrol

Amber looked at Val. She hadn't meant to scare the pup - that much, anyways. Certainly not enough to make her tremble so much. She wanted to offer comfort, but she couldn't think of anything to offer. So she simply walked away and started to sniff the air, her ears pricked.
775 points
August 2018
account deleted niveau/7 facteur

"She is just a nasty creature." Night snorted. "Nothing to be afraid of. She'll meet a nasty end, Val. You'll be alright, and justice will be served." he said, very sternly. He looked at Kira, slightly irritated she was ordering around his patrol, but realized just how petty that was and just nodded and kept looking.


"Hang on... I smell something, though. Come this way!" He whispered, lunging into the bushes (not fast enough to leave him behind, though) He had to just get the pup away from Sanguine and Romulus.
August 2018
a stranger niveau/
Val| Patrol
Val nodded, before beginning to look around as well. She soon came across a relatovely new carcass. Sniffing at it, she smelt the same stench that was on the fur.
"Hey! I found something!"
2 020 points
August 2018
(Big oof I actually forgot Night was leading the patrol lol)


Kira was returning to the spot where the fur was discovered to reconvene with the others, when Val’s call caught her attention. “You did?” She trotted to Val’s side, seeing the remains of prey. Beside the stench of carrion, the same scent as the fur lay beneath it. “Hunting on our territory, too!” She growled, her muzzle wrinkling in disgust. “She’s really going for it.”

(Just to be clear, does J6 know about the Sanguine thing? This is their rp, and I just don’t want to mess up their plan. ^^)
1 011 points
August 2018

Amber swung her head and walked over to the carcass. A growl escaped her throat. She was quite upset that Sanguine had the nerve to hunt on their territory. "We can't just let this slide," she said, looking at Night, "I wonder if she's still in the area. We could finish this now." She had temporarily forgotten that she was still in the presence of a young pup.

Aspen | Obsidian

Obsidian excitedly followed Aspen. "What is it?" he asked quietly. He hoped it was something big.
August 2018
a stranger niveau/
|Val| Patrol|
"If that is the case, I can return back to camo and tell Castor our findings," Val scoffed. Amber was the only one that was not completely treating her like a pup. "Wouldn't want a pup to get in the way of business."
1 125 points
August 2018
((Yeah, I know about the Sanguine thing 🙂 Thank you, haha. Sorry for the absence guys, just a bit busy. I'll be gone for three days too later on this week.))

Romulus | Sanguine

Romulus tilted his head slightly when he noticed Sanguine's awestruck expression. He had never before noticed this on her, and was taken aback. What was with her? Shaking his head and directing his attention again to Aspen, he left it be. Oh, naive Romulus.

"Have fun hunting," he called back in a fake cheery tone as Aspen lead Obi away. Immediately after they disappeared in the brush, Romulus flattened his ears and sighed/scoffed as they left. "Well, there goes our chance..." he woofed, turning back to Sanguine. "But Aspen has a point. We need to leave; now." He nudged Sanguine with his bulky grey snout, pressing against her neck scruff as he directed her in the opposite direction, moving away from the territory.

Deep inside, pang bounced around Romulus's heart. He knew he stayed well over his welcome on the pack's territory. All he wanted, his number one wish, was to just go back into the pack. It wasn't fair, he didn't do the murders. Well, of what he remembered. And now as he and Sanguine crossed the border of the territory, Romulus had enough. Tears started to slowly drip from his face, and then the whimpers started to rumble from in the deep back of his throat. The pack was all he knew, and now he was leaving what he felt was his only home.

But little did he know that thank god he left the territory when he did, because now that the pack knows about Sanguine, they'll be looking for her. And when they find Mayhem, they'll see who is right on her heels. Leaving the territory should be the least of his problems now.

Mekah | Patrol

The whole time Mekah was silent. Typical of her. But as they looked around at the findings, Mekah couldn't help but notice how sloppy Sanguine was. "If she wants to be smart enough to kill someone, she should at least know how to cover her tracks," the white wolf said, wrinkling her nose in disgust. It seemed to be besides the point, but nevertheless she mentioned it. "Unless she seems to be doing this as a nod to the higher ups, like she's 'showing them who's boss' type of thing. How crude!" She swung herself to the other side of the evidence, sniffing around. Her ears perked at the mention of finding Sanguine now. "On second thought, though," Mekah began, quickly clearing her throat, "We should report to Castor and Amethyst first. See what they say, don't you think? They might want to plan it out, send certain wolves, you see?"
2 020 points
August 2018
Kira nodded. “No need, Valhalla. We’ll all go back to camp and report it. Mekah’s right, we ought to see what Castor and Amethyst think first.” Her expression suddenly grew confused as she realized what Valhalla said. “Hold on, you don’t think you’re in the way, do you? Because you’re just as valuable a member of this patrol than anybody, regardless of your age.”
1 011 points
August 2018
Amber begrudgingly nodded at Mekah. "I suppose that makes sense," she said, "but we still have to act quickly. Sanguine might not be in the area for very long." She glanced at Kira and Val and added, "You're just as valuable... as long as you're actually valuable. But your age shouldn't affect that."
1 125 points
August 2018
Mekah nodded at Amber, agreeing with her, "You're right, they will have to act quick first to find Sanguine after. But still, it's worth it to see what the Alpha says first." With that, Mekah stopped talking. She wouldn't join in on the Valhalla conversation, and instead just stayed to her typical quiet self.
August 2018
a stranger niveau/
Val| Patrol|
"Of course." Val still had her tail between her legs and she turned back and headed towards camp.
(I am going to change Phoenix to a regular wolf)
2 020 points
August 2018

Kira flicked her ears, making a small grunt. She doubled back and gingerly picked up the scrap of fur they found. Looking around at the others, she shrugged and followed Valhalla.
1 125 points
August 2018
Patrol ||

Mekah followed, her small pink paw prints making indents in the falling snow as she ran back to the pack's lair. Through all the deaths, through this investigation, all she could think of now was...where is Sanguine now? She's gonna get caught in a heartbeat, Mekah thought, and swung her thin, ragged white tail back and forth once before trying to push the worries away as she carried on forward to Castor and Amethyst.
1 011 points
August 2018
Amber stayed back, waiting for Night. She figured it would be respectful to let him go first. Plus, she wanted to scan the area one last time.
August 2018
a stranger niveau/
Val| Amber| Patrol|
Gazing back, Valhalla saw that Amber was staying back. "Aren't you coming?" Val called back, turning around as the other wolves passed.
1 125 points
August 2018
((Hey guys, I'm going on vacation for the couple in coming days, so I won't be on. At least in the mean time I still want to wait for people to reply to this rp. I definitely don't want it to die, I like it a lot. But I should wait for other users to answer some more before continuing. Hopefully while I'm gone others will post 🙂 So, so long guys, I'll see you soon.))
775 points
August 2018
account deleted niveau/7 facteur
(I'm so sorry! I was so busy this week, and I'm not able to be on the computer on weekdays so I may take time posting. Again, I'm so sorry I took so long to reply. Thank you for not getting like, eight pages ahead of me!)


Night just quietly nodded to each of them, and followed Kira. "Thanks for waiting for my patrol, Amber." He said, scowling at Kira. But, he followed them back to camp to show Castor what they had found.


Sanguine again drooped when Romulus simply turned away. How was she going to get the message through to him when she couldn't even tell what her own emotions were?
"I'm sure we can manage." She said quietly. She stood up, not sure how to handle the situation. Romulus's quiet whimpers reached her ears, and she walked over and nudged his shoulder with her nose, trying to be comforting, although she wasn't very good at it. "We are to good for that pack. We don't need them to survive." She said, a slight snarl showing on her face. She looked behind her, and then remembered the recent events that had happened that morning before she had run into Romulus. It was probably best that she was leaving, but if she had Romulus she knew she'd be okay. He just couldn't find out, ever, or else he would never want to be around her again.
(Lol Sanguine's current mood- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhSds5jPnFo)


"Don't be discouraged, Obi. Smell the air again, tell me, can you scent anything?" He said. He picked up the faint scent of rabbit and knew Obi had a good enough nose to pick it up.
1 125 points
August 2018

"Sorry," Mekah huffed as she heard Night's scowl. However, knowing it was Night, and feeling her stomach twist, she tried lightening it up. "I mean, I'm really sorry." She cleared her throat and went back to Night, rounding back before going to him and pressing her fur up against him. "Sorry for my attitude," she woofed, raising her tail, "ever since...ever since Fallon left, I just uh, haven't really been the kindest wolf around." She looked up at the wolf who she admired, not realizing his heart was for a different wolf.

Romulus | Sanguine

"You don't understand." Romulus half snarled half cried back, looking at Sanguine with malleable, sad looking brown eyes. "To put your whole life before the pack, to strive to help your mates, to be, ever since a puppy, aspire to be the best I can be...for the pack. And all you think is for yourself!" His grey ears peeled back, and his lips did, too. "All you do is try to get your way to survival, and look, I get it. But if you want to do that, get some other wolf to do it with you." Romulus pushed her snout away forcefully, another wail accumulating in the back of his throat. He started to pad away. "Maybe I am 'too good' for the pack, but I became good because of it," he had looked back at her, some more tears staining his fur before turning back and walking away.

(Great job Sanguine, you broke him 😕 )
1 011 points
August 2018
Amber nodded in respect to Night and followed behind him back to camp. She analyzed Mekah's behavior and a thought popped into her head. The way Mekah looked at him... Amber was probably just imagining things. She was not by any means a love expert. But that looked like a lot more than just respect, and maybe even more than admiration... Amber shook those fanciful thoughts from her head. That was not how a wolf earned a higher rank.

Obsidian refused to be discouraged. He proudly stuck his nose in the air and sniffed. Oh! He WAS getting something! His tail began to wag as he sniffed harder. "Rabbit," he said, "it's this way." He gestured with his head to prove he really had smelled rabbit. He tensed his muscles and prepared to run after it.
August 2018
a stranger niveau/
Val| Patrol
Upon coming back, still being salty, she went to lay down by herself.
1 125 points
August 2018
Castor | Twilight

Castor walked over to Twilight, his tail wagging lowly as he walked up to the widowed she-wolf. He barely noticed Valhalla had came back already; other things were on his mind, even with this investigation on. If he had saw Val, he would be already up and talking to her, inquiring what happened on the patrol. However, he was worked up over something else.

"Twilight," he barked a small greeting, his green eyes softer than usual as he dipped his head in mutual greeting. Castor saw Eclipse out of the corner of her eye, and lowered his voice before continuing on the conversation. "I wanted to bring something to light..with you." He started to clear his voice.

It was far and few between in times where wolves saw the beta so vulnerable as this. He was always calculating his next steps for which measures to take, always assertive and on alert. Castor rarely took a break, simply because that was the wolf he was bred to be. Castor was brave, and too busy to show an emotional side.

However, at the moment, he felt something needed to be brought up to Twilight. "Twilight, I wanted to discuss who would be taking care of your children, without, without-" coughing again, he continued, "without a father figure. Losing your mate with puppies this young is a challenge to take on. I know with Briggan, and um, you see.." Castor's face held back, as he found what he was getting at hard to say.
2 020 points
August 2018
(Is BunnyMaster still on break?)

Kira was a few tail-lengths behind Valhalla. Spotting Castor, she started forward to go report to him. She stopped herself as she realized she didn't lead the patrol, and it wouldn't be right for her to give the report. Heat flooded her pelt. Her natural leadership got the better of her. She settled down by the entrance of camp, waiting for the rest of the patrol to arrive.

Sparrow was lounging in the clearing, his forepaws stretched out in front of him. He had just been told the news of the injured wolf, and his pelt itched with curiousity.

Eclipse huffed as she realized her mother was busy and picked up her marten again. It felt too special to throw on the pile. It would stay with her until it was time to eat.
1 125 points
August 2018
((I believe so, that or they quit the role play. But I think they enjoyed it, so I'm not sure. I can check to see the last time they logged in bunnyrace.))

Somewhere in the forest, a dark wolf was milling around. He had a den near him, somewhere far off Amethyst's territory, where he and another wolf lived. His job was working with the nearest pack- that being Amethyst's- in an effort to "take back" what was "only fair" to who felt they were done wronged. The dark wolf was constantly working, one of the mains of the crime. He knew what was going on, as he was close to the leader of the "shenanigans". And now there was something else he had to do.
1 125 points
August 2018
((The profile said they are still on break, but the last log in was August 5))
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