Within The Ranks

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chat Within The Ranks
by J61103 june 2018

1 011 points
September 2018
Hunting Party
Amber perked her head up. 'Finally,' she thought, excitement beginning to take over. "Okay guys," she said to the hunting party, "I hope you are ready. Here's the plan: we quietly surround her and catch her by surprise. If that doesn't work, then we'll just have to chase her down. We give her a chance to surrender. If she doesn't, or if she tries to escape, we attack. Don't kill her, but make it clear that resistance will be painful. Mayhem will finally pay for her crimes. Any objections or concerns?" She delivered her words with a passion that was clear on her face. Amber could not hide her eagerness.
1 125 points
September 2018
Robin | Val

"Here is where we will stop." With the final statement, he led Val around to a small den. They stood outside of its opening, where a faint smell of a female wolf was.

"So your parents..." he began, tilting his head and examining Valhalla. "Your mother, she is a light tan wolf, yes?"

Romulus | Sanguine

Romulus almost back peddled with a face of discomfort on his lips as they wrinkled into an awkward tug of showing teeth, until he finally sat down and looked at her with serious eyes. "You're upset," he began, nodding towards the soft eyes of hers. Her words though made him nervous, reasoning why he almost back peddled. "You're hurt, and it's my fault, and I need to apologize. I didn't accept your apology, and I still-" Romulus paused, glancing away before focusing back on her. "...and although the past can't be changed...I'm willing to make a different future. With you. Together." He coughed for a second, "To make things better. For the both of us." Romulus's words were awkward, a big jumble together. She was right, they would survive better together, and mistakes were meant to be forgiven...right?

"Will you accept my apology? And we can find dinner?" A small smile spread across his face at his joke. "If you are willing?"

Sanguine Patrol | Mekah

Mekah smelled the air, wagging her tail high in the air. "I smell it too," she barked, "Amber, you're right. We need to go, now!" Her butt practically swung back and forth from the force of her tail, as she eagerly awaited the take down of Mayhem. She hadn't seen the red wolf in awhile...perhaps she knew that they were coming?
September 2018
a stranger niveau/
Val| Robin
"Yes..." She trailed off questionably.
Phenoix| Hunting party
Phenoix nodded as he readied his muscles, preparing for anything and everything.
1 011 points
September 2018
Hunting Party
Amber looked at her team and gave a curt nod. "Okay," she said, "we move now. Remember to keep quiet; it'll be easier for all of us if we don't have to give chase." She began to gesture to a few wolves and assign some to go left and some to go right. She began to walk quietly in the direction of Sanguine. Her muscles tensed with anticipation.
775 points
September 2018
account deleted niveau/7 facteur

Sanguine shook out her coat, with a little bit of fur flying everywhere. "Ye-yeah, sure. I mean, yes, I will! Of course I do, I mean-" She cut herself off. "Yes. I do." She looked stiff as a board, her face frozen in that of confusion and relief. "But, really, it's me who should be begging for forgiveness. I don't deserve it, but... would you forgive me?" She waited pensively, her eyes hopeful for the first time in a very, very long time. She was surprised that any wolf, after what she had done, would forgive her. "It's not your fault I'm this monster, Romulus. Its my own. But I'm... I'm gonna try to change. I just need a little-" She cut herself off again. She didn't need help! She was Mayh-
No she wasn't! Did she really want to be known as 'mayhem' of all wolves?! Sanguine's face twitched as she had the internal fight with herself, barely noticeable. Her muscles tensed. She suddenly had a funny feeling, though. Like she was being watched by eyes that weren't even there.
But it was probably nothing. She had more important things to think about right now. Like Romulus. She was going to change. She was done with being a monster.

Night|Hunting party

"Then what are we waiting for? There are no objections, lets go!" He snarled, springing out from a crouch and running forward, but only to stand next to Amber. He didn't need to run in front of her, she was the leader of the patrol. (I think?)

September 2018
a stranger niveau/
Hunting party
Phenoix rounded the Southeast corner, eyes on Mayhem the entire time. He heard another wolf, But That didn't matter. What mattered was that they caught Mayhem and that he got back to Valhalla as soon as possible.
1 011 points
September 2018
(Yes, I think so too)
Hunting Party
Amber was presently surprised by Night's enthusiasm. She gave one final nod (she's been doing a lot of nodding recently) before silently running off to her position. She found a nice spot where she could see most of the other wolves and Sanguine. She noticed that Sanguine seemed to be talking to another wolf. No matter. They could take him out if need be. She glanced around to see how the others were doing in getting to their positions.
2 020 points
September 2018
(Oh nO I almost missed this)
Sparrow didn’t expect to be caught up in the patrol, but he made no objections as he split off to the right as Amber instructed. As the wolves crept through the woods, murmurs could be heard ahead. His pelt prickled with apprehension. Didn’t those furbrains know not to talk during a patrol? Dread trickled in when he realized that the voice actually belonged to Sanguine. She was with someone else. An accomplice?

Kira followed Amber, keeping low to the ground. She had rolled in the dirt beforehand to try and dull her white coat, and she couldn’t do anything but hope it worked. Her pawsteps were quick and silent, carefully set down. All senses were alert, with muscles tightened. She was ready for anything.
775 points
September 2018
account deleted niveau/7 facteur
(I'm gonna wait for J6 to respond before posting Sanguine)

Night|Hunting Party|Sanguine|Romulus

Night looked over at Mekah wagging her tail off and he smiled at her, but then looked forward and got into his position. His muscles twitched with anticipation, and he had a good spot to leap at Sanguine from.
September 2018
a stranger niveau/
1 125 points
September 2018
Romulus | Sanguine

"I'll forgive, I will." Romulus said, almost choking the words. "That's what I came here for, right? To ask for forgiveness and forgive back." He shook his tail like she shook out her own fur, almost subconsciously mimicking her. "Need a little what?" He tilted his head slightly, staring at her.

Something was heard among the bushes. He paused. All of a sudden, things hit him at once; the smells, all the wolves surrounding him, the sense of urgency in the air. "Something's wrong," Romulus quietly whimpered, "why are they after us?"

Mekah | Sanguine Hunting Party

Mekah smiled back at Night, a flutter of happiness stirring her stomach. He...he acknowledged her without her making the first move. That was a start, right? 'Wait a second,' she thought. 'I gotta stop thinking this. There is a task at hand. What about Sanguine?'

Robin | Val

"That's what I thought, so we have the right wolf. Okay, now listen carefully, Valhalla. I know where your parents are; they're safe. However, I need something from you in order for me to show you your parents, okay?"
1 011 points
September 2018
Amber watched with pride as her team assembled. She then attentively watched Sanguine and her partner. Oh. They'd been spotted. It was showtime. Amber stepped out of the bushes and stared Sanguine down. "Sanguine," she snarled, taking care to make the name sound vile, "As you may have noticed, you're surrounded. You have one chance to come with us peacefully." Amber kind of hoped that Sanguine would choose to fight. It would be more than satisfactory to rip her flesh. After all the horrible things she's done...
September 2018
a stranger niveau/
Val| Robin
" I've followed you for miles. What else do you want me to do!?" she demanded. This unknown wolf was starting yo annoy her.
Hunting party
Phenoix, knowing that it was time, began to unveil himself. Sanguine was giving off a fear scent, as well as her partner. There was something else that only he knew.....
775 points
September 2018
account deleted niveau/7 facteur

(GAWK I'm so excited! Is it okay if Sanguine fights with them for a little bit?)

Sanguine looked over at him. "No-" She was interrupted when he started to speak, and then she jumped when Amber spoke up. Her hackles raised and the anger she had bottled up showed itself again, her golden eyes blazing furiously in the moonlight.(It is night right?) But then she looked over at Romulus. Did she really want to fight, when he was actually wanting to travel with her, even if he didn't want to really be 'with' her? She was scared, but not about being caught. She was scared whatever she did, Romulus wouldn't agree with it.

But Mayhem really, really didn't want to go back to the pack and explain the reasons she had attacked that wolf this morning, AND she didn't want to have to escape them once they caught her. She looked over at Romulus, with an expression that said 'You know I'm not gonna be peaceful about this.'

She was calm, though, once she had bottled up her rage once again. She looked as if ice-water ran through her veins. "Aw, come on Amber, you know me. I'm not just gonna roll over like you would," She paused to take on a defensive stance. "You try so hard to make me feel good about myself, huh?" She said sarcastically, her voice smooth and cold, then smirked at her, her golden eyes flashing to all the wolves that slowly showed themselves. Six wolves surrounded her, all muscled and fat and well rested. Romulus probably wouldn't fight his packmates, but Sanguine was sure as hell not gonna just give up and roll over and let them drag her back to camp.

Night|Hunting Party| Sanguine and Romulus

Night chuckled at Mekah and looked triumphantly over the two wolves in the clearing. But who was with Sanguine? he looked closer, only to recognize Romulus. He was the last wolf he would expect to be with Sanguine. A smirk crossed his face though. They were going to finally end the killings.
1 011 points
September 2018
(Yah, I think it's about dusk)
Hunting Party | Sanguine | Romulus
Amber shrugged and smirked. "I had a feeling that you'd say that," she replied, taking care that her voice took no tone of anger. She completely ignored the petty insult."But hey, I'll sweeten the deal a little bit for ya; you don't put up a fight, and we let your friend go free." For the sake of the rest of the hunting party, she had to at least try. Besides, it was Sanguine that Castor wanted. Everyone else could come later.
775 points
September 2018
account deleted niveau/7 facteur
Sanguine|Romulus|Hunting Party

Sanguine looked over at Romulus, and her muscles twitched. The gears in her head turned. Did Romulus even /want/ to go free. But if she let him get caught, too, would he suffer under their imprisonment? Urg. Sanguine had never liked Amber. She had always been so insufferable. Phoenix had been the only wolf who would play-fight with her as a pup, and she actually had a fleeting crush on him when she was younger, but seeing him in the patrol to bring her down now just made her blood boil even more.

But, Sanguine couldn't just let them take her. But she didn't want Romulus to get hurt either! ' whatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoido' she thought quickly to herself. Her lips curled up into a snarl as she thought, and her ears pressed against her neck aggressively.
2 020 points
September 2018
Kira I Hunting Party
Kira stepped out from the trees, following Amber’s lead. A growl rumbled from her throat, staring Sanguine down with fierce steel gray eyes. She glanced to see who her ally was, and shock coursed through her. Romulus teamed up with Sanguine? She struggled to cover her shock and hurt at the betrayal. Yeah, they kicked him out, but befriending Mayhem? She recovered, her pelt bristling. This only fueled her.

Sparrow I Hunting Party
Sparrow slunk from the cover of the trees. Hot shame ran through him. He had seen these traitors earlier, and did nothing. He should have said something. Should have done something. Though his muscles were bunched and prepared to fight, he couldn’t meet either Romulus or Sanguine’s gaze.
September 2018
a stranger niveau/
775 points
September 2018
account deleted niveau/7 facteur
(We've just gotta keep this alive until J6 comes back)
1 125 points
September 2018
((I think dusk/night time is good))

Romulus's mouth gaped as the wolves surrounded, pinning his ears back and trying to not let a whine escape. "What did we do wrong?" Romulus whimpered, glancing at Sanguine through the corner of his eye. He spun around slowly at everyone circling them. His friends, his family, every one he knew back when he was a pack wolf.

Finally a cry did escape his lips. "What did we do?" He mewled louder, his big brown eyes seeming to plead at his packmates. Romulus knew that the pack wouldn't normally do this big of a hubbub just for trespassing. Something must be wrong.

And the shock in their eyes reflected Romulus's confusement. They didn't know, or at least didn't want to believe he did whatever he had done. "Did I forget something again?" He thought fleetingly, knowing that his reason for "forgetfulness" was what kicked him out of the pack last time.

Val | Robin

"I need your obedience." Robin said simply, looking Val up and down. "Understandable?"
775 points
September 2018
account deleted niveau/7 facteur

"It wasn't you, Romulus. It was me. I had to do it. They were going to hurt you." Sanguine's eyes were soft and full of emotion when she spoke, a little whimper at the edge of her voice. But she quickly snapped out of it, forcing herself to not feel anything while she was in the middle of this. "We can't let them get us, Romulus. I can't let them hurt you." She said quietly, so only he would hear. She layed her ears against her neck and growled loudly, taking an aggressive stance. "If you all want to live, I suggest you leave. Now." She snarled, digging her dark claws into the snow and earth beneath herself.


Night growled softly, ready to attack. He looked at Amber for the go ahead.
2 020 points
September 2018
Kira | Hunting Party
Kira said nothing, just kept her feet planted in a firm position. Sanguine’s words tumbled through her head. Her chest burned. How dare she threaten them on their own territory? Her ears were pricked expectantly for Amber’s bark.

Sparrow | Hunting Party
Sparrow involuntarily ducked his head, his ears pinning down. Romulus’s whines pierced his heart. Shame, guilt, and pity ran through every hair on his pelt. He really didn’t want to be here.

(When you accidentally make one of your characters a freakin COWARD)
1 011 points
September 2018
Amber let out a low, spiteful laugh. Of course Sanguine had the nerve to challenge a pack of well-fed, well-prepared wolves. So now Amber had two options. She could either continue talking circles with Sanguine, and maybe eventually come to a conclusion. Or... she assumed a defensive position, muscles tensed and ready to counter any attack. "Only if you come with us," she finally replied, her voice taking on a deadly tone. She did not, however, motion for her pack to do anything but wait. For now, at least.
1 011 points
September 2018
September 2018
a stranger niveau/
Val| Robin
Growling lowly, she nodded her head. She wasn't liking where this was going.
(I wonder who will be the first to see she is gone!)
Phenoix| Hunting party
Phenoix growled lowly, in warning. He was just waiting for someone to give the go ahead.
775 points
September 2018
account deleted niveau/7 facteur
October 2018
a stranger niveau/
2 020 points
October 2018
October 2018
a stranger niveau/
October 2018
a stranger niveau/
Pleaseeeeee this is so good!!!)))
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