Top Genetic

The 3 best genetic breeders for each breed are rewarded on the 1st and 16th of every month, at 6.30 p.m

Here are the best lineages of Bunnyrace:
The breeds have a ceiling of max potential which can be reached by making reproductions. When the Top Rankings occurs, this ceiling evolves depending of the potential of the best bunny of the breed.


Ceiling: 1 233,23
Evolution: +3,15

Speed: 472,73
Acceleration: 369,96
Stamina: 390,52

rubis 3 AlphaRob Pop Rock 1 223,40 (99,20%)
rubis 2 DemonAscended Trully's Galaxy 1 220,51 (98,96%)
rubis 1 Nanabozo My family 2 1 218,64 (98,81%)
kaedyn03 djk 1 218,37 (98,79%)
Reaper Penance Stare 1 218,13 (98,77%)
Pussyfoot Cranberries 1 216,47 (98,64%)
coco3 Ango'French💥 1 213,54 (98,40%)
Nil Angora⚡️ 1 198,81 (97,20%)
Leon Leons 1 195,74 (96,96%)
Charlie Malefoy 1 191,19 (96,59%)


Ceiling: 1 220,18
Evolution: +3,44

Speed: 345,71
Acceleration: 467,73
Stamina: 406,72

rubis 3 AlphaRob Bélier Best 1 210,21 (99,18%)
rubis 2 cloclo1809 CloLopEar 1 208,22 (99,01%)
rubis 1 Nanabozo My family 5 1 205,46 (98,79%)
kaedyn03 kclan02 1 204,99 (98,75%)
Reaper Grimm 1 204,85 (98,74%)
Pussyfoot Cheese 1 203,86 (98,66%)
DemonAscended 🌸さくら🌸 1 203,47 (98,63%)
coco3 Lop'French 1 201,08 (98,43%)
Nil Bélier⚡️ 1 184,87 (97,10%)
Charlie Weasley 1 182,60 (96,92%)


Ceiling: 1 219,01
Evolution: +3,22

Speed: 345,38
Acceleration: 386,01
Stamina: 487,60

rubis 3 AlphaRob Nain Boss 1 208,97 (99,17%)
rubis 2 cloclo1809 CloNain 1 207,14 (99,02%)
rubis 1 Pussyfoot Thyme 1 205,77 (98,91%)
Nanabozo My family 3 1 204,59 (98,81%)
Reaper Reaper's Scythe 1 203,82 (98,75%)
kaedyn03 jfd 1 203,40 (98,71%)
DemonAscended 🍀Lucky🍀 1 201,69 (98,57%)
coco3 Dwarf 'French 1 199,37 (98,38%)
Ryu Ryu's Army 5 1 190,91 (97,69%)
Charlie Hagrid 1 185,05 (97,21%)


Ceiling: 1 216,58
Evolution: +3,59

Speed: 446,07
Acceleration: 446,07
Stamina: 324,42

rubis 3 AlphaRob Family Panda 1 206,61 (99,18%)
rubis 2 cloclo1809 CloPanda 1 204,34 (98,99%)
rubis 1 Nanabozo My family 4 1 201,30 (98,74%)
kaedyn03 k02 1 200,64 (98,68%)
Reaper Reaper 1 200,62 (98,68%)
Pussyfoot Perlimpinpin 1 199,53 (98,59%)
coco3 Panda'French 1 196,92 (98,38%)
Nil Panda⚡️ 1 181,99 (97,15%)
Charlie Lovegood 1 172,26 (96,35%)
DarkSeren Sky Pandas 1 169,98 (96,16%)


Ceiling: 1 215,76
Evolution: +3,66

Speed: 405,25
Acceleration: 405,25
Stamina: 405,25

rubis 3 AlphaRob Rock Star 1 205,51 (99,15%)
rubis 2 cloclo1809 CloOrig 1 203,10 (98,95%)
rubis 1 Reaper Reaper's curse 1 202,09 (98,87%)
Nanabozo My family 1 1 200,61 (98,75%)
kaedyn03 kjd 1 200,08 (98,71%)
Pussyfoot To my sweet mom 1 196,78 (98,43%)
coco3 Origi'French💥 1 196,24 (98,39%)
Nil Original⚡️ 1 180,36 (97,08%)
Charlie Potter 1 173,43 (96,51%)
DarkSeren Clem 'n' Tine 1 169,21 (96,17%)