Hello ^^ 
Bonjour à tous Je suis française Désolée pour mon anglais
Hello everyone I am French Sorry for my English
Il suffit d'un peu d'amour, de confiance et de poudre de perlimpinpin.
⛱️ Clan project
- Short
existence of a few days for my first clan in March 2024, Pussyfoot
0 - BunnyRace 1
- End of
April 2024 ok for the "The 11 brioche pompoms" clan, Pussyfoot 1 -
BunnyRace 0
- Try to
be more many, but go go for the first session (May
Long life the clan "The 11 brioche
Panda & Angora
Panda & Angora

Panda Sablé
Panda & Bélier
Panda & Lop-eared

Panda Feu
Panda & Original
Panda & Original

Nain Rex
Nain & Original
Dwarf & Original

Nain Renard
Nain & Angora
Dwarf & Angora

Nain Cendré
Nain & Panda
Dwarf & Panda

Nain & Bélier
Dwarf & Lop-eared

Original & Bélier
Original & Lop-eared

Bélier Teddy
Angora & Bélier
Angora & Lop-eared

Angora Satin
Angora & Original
Angora & Original
1st with 8 768 points
2 980 065 coins
3733 active days
Registered june 10 2013
Last connection yesterday
The 11 brioche pompoms
42 leader wins 527 clan wins
2620 trophy points
Look at the sales
Look at the bunnies sales
His/Her friends (25)
His/Her bests bunnies
RF-1 224.48 |
Lop-eared |
1 224,48 |
(98,56%) |
RF-1 219.71 |
Original |
1 219,71 |
(98,48%) |
RRF-1 236.61 |
Angora |
1 236,61 |
(98,65%) |
RM-1 219.49 |
Panda |
1 219,49 |
(98,46%) |
RF-1 223.12 |
Dwarf |
1 223,12 |
(98,45%) |
F-956.48 |
Bélier Teddy |
956,48 |
(77,37%) |
M-927.16 |
Lop |
927,16 |
(74,96%) |
avF-1114.21NR |
Nain Renard |
1 114,21 |
(89,42%) |
M-950.04 |
Panda Sablé |
950,04 |
(76,11%) |
F-1 239.29 |
Pandours |
1 239,29 |
(96,38%) |
F-981.79Nx |
Nain Rex |
981,79 |
(79,17%) |
oulouu oulouu |
Mini-Lop |
1 230,37 |
(98,56%) |
avM-1101.94AS |
Angora satin |
1 101,94 |
(88,82%) |
M-945.06PF |
Panda Feu |
945,06 |
(76,87%) |
M-939.37ncT |
Nain Cendré |
939,37 |
(76,19%) |
Cranberries |
Angora |
1 236,61 |
(98,65%) |
Cheese |
Lop-eared |
1 224,48 |
(98,56%) |
To my sweet mom |
Original |
1 219,71 |
(98,48%) |
Perlimpinpin |
Panda |
1 219,49 |
(98,46%) |
Thyme |
Dwarf |
1 223,12 |
(98,45%) |
» See his/her lineages