⭐🐰⭐ Welcome To My Page! ⭐🐰⭐

From the ashes I rise, and today, I will soon be a superstar bunny raiser! The first thing that is required when you first meet me is to be respectful. As a beginner, I want only the best introductions! Thanks! - UDRZ

🐇I am also on Lapino!🐇


🌱Currently Garden Grinding!🌱


🌿Stats of the Apex Orange Lineage!🍊

First Started: May 17, 2024

Total Orange Production: 🍊 26

Rubies Obtained from the Apex Orange: None Yet! We are just getting started!


⭐Current Quests

Level 8 Quests to do

- 30 Palm Leaves (If you have some, I'd appreciate it!)

- Harvest 6 seeds in only one day

Already Completed

- 7 Natural Colored Bunnies (Too Easy)

- 1st place on Division 5

- Reach Level 65 in a Profession

- 5 Unique Necklaces (I actually completed this quest days ago, but haven't clicked on the green refresh button until now)

⭐Fun Facts About Me and My Experience!

- I speak english! (American, Still happy to translate other languages via Google Translate!)

- I am a fan of Parappa (including Um Jammer Lammy) and Pokemon!

- I like origami, drawing, and just having fun!

- My first two bunnies on BunnyRace were Lapinou the Yellow Dwarf and Sadie the Brown Dwarf.

- Did you know that my first lineage, the 🌿Apex Orange🍊 lineage, started on the 15th Anniversary of Minecraft? (Minecraft was released on May 17th, 2009)

⭐Best Rank

16th with 4,907 points

(Number: May 22th, 2024)

(Points: May 22th, 2024)

✨Unique "Necklace" Checklist✨

(6 obtained)

Candy Necklace icone/ko
Viking Necklace icone/ko
Rainbow Necklace icone/ok
Bronze Medal icone/ok
Kangaroo Medal icone/ok
Courage Medal icone/ok
Stork Mask icone/ok
Silver Medal icone/ko
Brahman Talisman icone/ok
Gold Medal icone/ko
Amulet of Sausix icone/ko

⭐Tournament Moments

No traps (4/25/24)

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st UDRZ The player wins: moins-ligue x 8 pepite-argent x 8 glace-1 x 8
2nd Wild4 The player wins: moins-ligue x 7 pepite-argent x 7 glace-1 x 7
3nd Quentin 67 The player wins: moins-ligue x 6 pepite-argent x 6 glace-1 x 6
4nd Pussyfoot The player wins: moins-ligue x 5 pepite-argent x 5 glace-1 x 5
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

For all (5/3/24)

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st AlphaRob The player wins: colle x 20 boost-papillon x 17 dynamite x 11 petale-muguet x 8
2nd Pussyfoot The player wins: colle x 18 boost-papillon x 15 dynamite x 10 petale-muguet x 7
3nd Nanabozo The player wins: colle x 16 boost-papillon x 13 dynamite x 9 petale-muguet x 6
4nd UDRZ The player wins: colle x 14 boost-papillon x 11 dynamite x 8 petale-muguet x 5
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

Lop (5/6/24)

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st AlphaRob The player wins: experience-petite x 11 acide x 16 fusee-1 x 18 petale-muguet x 10
2nd Nanabozo The player wins: experience-petite x 10 acide x 14 fusee-1 x 16 petale-muguet x 9
3nd UDRZ The player wins: experience-petite x 9 acide x 12 fusee-1 x 14 petale-muguet x 8
4nd Pussyfoot The player wins: experience-petite x 8 acide x 10 fusee-1 x 12 petale-muguet x 7
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

Bélier teddy (5/12/24)

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st AlphaRob The player wins: graine x 11 noisetier x 8 plume-hiboux x 11 petale-muguet x 10
2nd Pussyfoot The player wins: graine x 10 noisetier x 7 plume-hiboux x 10 petale-muguet x 9
3nd UDRZ The player wins: graine x 9 noisetier x 6 plume-hiboux x 9 petale-muguet x 8
4nd kaedyn03 The player wins: graine x 8 noisetier x 5 plume-hiboux x 8 petale-muguet x 7
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

Angora satin (5/16/24)

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st AlphaRob The player wins: aneth x 11 decolorant x 1 pate-chasseur x 1 petale-muguet x 9
2nd UDRZ The player wins: aneth x 10 decolorant x 2 pate-chasseur x 2 petale-muguet x 8
3nd Pussyfoot The player wins: aneth x 9 decolorant x 1 pate-chasseur x 2 petale-muguet x 7
4nd Reaper The player wins: aneth x 8 decolorant x 2 pate-chasseur x 1 petale-muguet x 6
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

Pandours (5/19/24)

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st AlphaRob The player wins: petit-boost-complet x 10 boost-anti-papillon x 10 boost-papillon x 10
2nd Nanabozo The player wins: petit-boost-complet x 9 boost-anti-papillon x 9 boost-papillon x 9
3nd cloclo1809 The player wins: petit-boost-complet x 8 boost-anti-papillon x 8 boost-papillon x 8
4nd UDRZ The player wins: petit-boost-complet x 7 boost-anti-papillon x 7 boost-papillon x 7
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

Panda Sablé (5/25/24)

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st Pussyfoot The player wins: acceleration-petite x 8 endurance-petite x 8 vitesse-petite x 8
2nd UDRZ The player wins: acceleration-petite x 7 endurance-petite x 7 vitesse-petite x 7
3nd AlphaRob The player wins: acceleration-petite x 6 endurance-petite x 6 vitesse-petite x 6
4nd kaedyn03 The player wins: acceleration-petite x 6 endurance-petite x 6 vitesse-petite x 6
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

Flowers (6/3/24)

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st AlphaRob The player wins: pissenlit x 24 fleur x 12 humidificateur x 8
2nd Pussyfoot The player wins: pissenlit x 22 fleur x 11 humidificateur x 7
3nd Leon The player wins: pissenlit x 20 fleur x 10 humidificateur x 6
4nd UDRZ The player wins: pissenlit x 18 fleur x 9 humidificateur x 5
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

The Rabbit Olympics (6/6/24)

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st Leon The player wins: experience-grande x 8 sablier x 2 plus-ligue x 5
2nd UDRZ The player wins: experience-grande x 7 sablier x 2 plus-ligue x 5
3nd Mars The player wins: experience-grande x 6 sablier x 2 plus-ligue x 4
4nd Pussyfoot The player wins: experience-grande x 5 sablier x 2 plus-ligue x 4
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule

The Festival of Seasons (6/21/24)

The tournament has just finished! The grand champions are:
1st Mars The player wins: graine-radis x 24 medicament x 12 the-energie x 8
2nd UDRZ The player wins: graine-radis x 22 medicament x 11 the-energie x 7
3nd AlphaRob The player wins: graine-radis x 20 medicament x 10 the-energie x 6
4nd Lola621 The player wins: graine-radis x 18 medicament x 9 the-energie x 5
Congratulations to them, and to all our participants!
watch the final - watch the tournament - tournament schedule


🔎Discoveries and Theories From Experience🔎


The following facts and theories might blow your mind! If you like a surprise, or you just want to fill your brain with knowledge, then go ahead and read! I won't mind!

Thanks to Aruni4 for majority of information!

How "Breeding" in Rankings is Scored 

I might have discovered something! The way breeding is scored goes like this: Health of bunnies + Kinds of bunnies you have (hybrids included) + Possibly the colors of the bunnies you have? I am not sure if color comes into play of your overall "Breeding" score, but I think it might be the case. The score also factors in the magical objects you can apply to your bunnies (such as stones of jordon or golden clovers.) 



objet/graine/haricot.pngMagic Beans (The beans you get when you reach Level 8)objet/graine/haricot.png

Here are some observations with the Magic Bean I could find.

- It is among the rarest items in the game, limited to only one per player

- It gives 2 rubies on plots with normal fertility

- It gives 3 rubies when using the lightning manure before planting it.

- It matures within 5 active days (You should harvest it at this point)

- The entire "life cycle" of the bean lasts 7 active days

- It gave me 210 clan gardening points after harvesting 3 rubies. (Each ruby accounts for 70 points, but I may be wrong as plants fluctuate within session)


etoile Starting Divisions from Birth etoile

Depending on potential, baby bunnies are born into different divisions.

Division 1 etoile - Bunnies below 50% potential

Division 2 etoileetoile - Bunnies at or above 50%, but below (75%?)

Division 4 etoile-bleu - High potential bunnies

Note: If a cross-breed is born from pure-bred parents (ex. Panda Sablé from a Panda and a Lop-eared,) then all of the baby bunnies will start on Division 1, regardless of potential, however if the baby bunny is from two of the same cross-breed, then the starting divisions apply as normal.

More research has to be done about this subject from my experience.

- Bunnies born into division 3?

- Cutoff for division 2 and minimum for division 4


⭐🐰⭐ Thanks For Visiting! ⭐🐰⭐


UDRZ niveau/8

22nd with 4 036 points

piece-petit 269 coins

139 active days

Registered march 7

Last connection thursday

forgeron Blacksmith 94 alchimiste Alchemist 52 trouvaille Unity is strength
ecusson 18 clan wins
experience 1085 trophy points

vente Look at the sales

His/Her friends (8)

His/Her bests bunnies

M-1 166.99 Pandours 1 166,99 (94,51%)
🎀ma chérie Lop-eared 1 159,07 (96,76%)
F-1 120.22 Panda 1 120,22 (93,95%)
genetique F-1 190.57 Angora 1 190,57 (98,26%)
M-1 149.71 Mini-Lop 1 149,71 (94,45%)
avM-1146.79BT Bélier Teddy 1 146,79 (95,87%)
M-1 127.61 Nain Rex 1 127,61 (94,82%)
F-1 115.37 Dwarf 1 115,37 (93,30%)
M-1 131.58 Panda Feu 1 131,58 (95,31%)
F-1 123.13 Lop 1 123,13 (94,10%)
F-898.38 Nain Cendré 898,38 (75,54%)
F-1 170.67 Angora satin 1 170,67 (97,57%)
genetique M-1 190.91 Panda Sablé 1 190,91 (98,70%)
M-795.98 Original 795,98 (66,80%)

🌿Apex Orange🍊 Panda 820,23 (68,79%)
» See his/her lineages

His/Her bunnies (31)

🎸0 to 11⚡ feminin objet/magie/pigmentalo.png objet/magie/immortel.png

🎸0 to 11⚡
Speed: 0 +38 / 0,00
Acceleration: 0 +27 / 0,00
Stamina 0 +37 / 0,00
etoile plusdemi-plus

blue feminin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 445 +57 / 445,15
Acceleration: 348 +42 / 348,96
Stamina 367 +46 / 367,57
etoile-bleuetoile-bleuetoile-bleu moinsmoins

F-1 101.86 feminin

F-1 101.86
Speed: 400 +47 / 400,08
Acceleration: 405 +51 / 405,25
Stamina 296 +36 / 296,53

M-1 104.17 masculin

M-1 104.17
Speed: 400 +47 / 400,00
Acceleration: 408 +51 / 408,25
Stamina 295 +35 / 295,92

Sell F-1 148.23 feminin

Sell F-1 148.23
Speed: 324 +37 / 324,36
Acceleration: 441 +56 / 441,56
Stamina 382 +46 / 382,31

Sell M-1 149.63 masculin

Sell M-1 149.63
Speed: 323 +37 / 323,93
Acceleration: 442 +55 / 442,99
Stamina 382 +46 / 382,71

F-1 159.46 feminin

F-1 159.46
Speed: 424 +50 / 424,54
Acceleration: 383 +47 / 383,08
Stamina 351 +42 / 351,84
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu moins

M-1 166.99 masculin

M-1 166.99
Speed: 424 +50 / 424,54
Acceleration: 383 +47 / 383,14
Stamina 359 +43 / 359,31
etoile-bleu plusdemi-plus

M-493.27 masculin

Speed: 116 +13 / 116,97
Acceleration: 191 +24 / 191,59
Stamina 184 +22 / 184,71
etoile plus

F-451.62 feminin

Speed: 144 +16 / 144,00
Acceleration: 150 +19 / 150,75
Stamina 156 +19 / 156,87
etoile plus

F-1 170.67 feminin

F-1 170.67
Speed: 410 +48 / 410,95
Acceleration: 376 +46 / 376,61
Stamina 383 +46 / 383,11

M-1 166.62 masculin

M-1 166.62
Speed: 410 +47 / 410,95
Acceleration: 375 +47 / 375,58
Stamina 380 +46 / 380,09

M-1 184.52 masculin

M-1 184.52
Speed: 454 +53 / 454,43
Acceleration: 355 +44 / 355,47
Stamina 374 +45 / 374,62

M-1 184.48 masculin

M-1 184.48
Speed: 454 +53 / 454,61
Acceleration: 355 +45 / 355,38
Stamina 374 +45 / 374,49
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu moinsmoins

F-1 185.82 feminin

F-1 185.82
Speed: 454 +200 / 454,89
Acceleration: 355 +219 / 355,37
Stamina 375 +144 / 375,56

F-721.24 feminin

Speed: 238 +28 / 238,52
Acceleration: 261 +32 / 261,94
Stamina 220 +26 / 220,78
etoileetoileetoile plus

M-745.95 masculin

Speed: 253 +29 / 253,27
Acceleration: 296 +37 / 296,66
Stamina 196 +24 / 196,02
etoileetoileetoile plus

genetique M-1 190.91 masculin

M-1 190.91
Speed: 397 +65 / 397,11
Acceleration: 396 +60 / 396,91
Stamina 396 +93 / 396,89

genetique F-1 190.77 feminin

F-1 190.77
Speed: 396 +65 / 396,57
Acceleration: 397 +60 / 397,07
Stamina 397 +93 / 397,13

F-759.71 feminin

Speed: 228 +26 / 228,59
Acceleration: 278 +34 / 278,81
Stamina 252 +30 / 252,31

M-795.98 masculin

Speed: 274 +32 / 274,49
Acceleration: 241 +30 / 241,48
Stamina 280 +34 / 280,01

🎀ma chérie feminin

🎀ma chérie
Speed: 325 +109 / 325,96
Acceleration: 448 +238 / 448,51
Stamina 384 +173 / 384,60
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu moinsdemi-moins

F-1 115.37 feminin

F-1 115.37
Speed: 313 +38 / 313,37
Acceleration: 351 +42 / 351,53
Stamina 450 +54 / 450,47
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu moinsmoinsmoins

M-1 113.25 masculin

M-1 113.25
Speed: 313 +38 / 313,82
Acceleration: 349 +42 / 349,99
Stamina 449 +54 / 449,44

F-1 118.19 feminin

F-1 118.19
Speed: 406 +49 / 406,05
Acceleration: 413 +50 / 413,26
Stamina 298 +36 / 298,88

M-1 117.69 masculin

M-1 117.69
Speed: 404 +48 / 404,13
Acceleration: 412 +49 / 412,49
Stamina 301 +36 / 301,07

F-1 120.22 feminin

F-1 120.22
Speed: 406 +49 / 406,79
Acceleration: 412 +49 / 412,29
Stamina 301 +36 / 301,14

genetique F-1 190.57 feminin

F-1 190.57
Speed: 457 +55 / 457,04
Acceleration: 356 +43 / 356,64
Stamina 228 +27 / 376,89

genetique M-1 189.39 masculin

M-1 189.39
Speed: 456 +55 / 456,15
Acceleration: 356 +43 / 356,03
Stamina 228 +27 / 377,21

F-816.17 feminin

Speed: 274 +33 / 274,36
Acceleration: 313 +38 / 313,21
Stamina 91 +11 / 228,60

M-820.23 masculin

Speed: 281 +34 / 281,39
Acceleration: 323 +39 / 323,22
Stamina 77 +9 / 215,62

His/Her Conservatory (27)

M-1 047.34 masculin

M-1 047.34
Speed: 354 +38 / 354,31
Acceleration: 348 +46 / 348,83
Stamina 344 +40 / 344,20
etoile-bleu moinsdemi-moins

vendre masculin

Speed: 299 +28 / 299,30
Acceleration: 414 +60 / 414,18
Stamina 350 +39 / 350,68
etoile-bleu plus

M-0.00 masculin

Speed: 0 / 0,00
Acceleration: 0 / 0,00
Stamina 0 / 0,00

F-0.00 feminin

Speed: 0 -1 / 0,00
Acceleration: 0 +1 / 0,00
Stamina 0 / 0,00

M-1 149.71 masculin

M-1 149.71
Speed: 382 +45 / 382,39
Acceleration: 384 +47 / 384,14
Stamina 383 +46 / 383,18
etoile-bleu plusplus

avM-1146.79BT masculin

Speed: 382 +43 / 382,73
Acceleration: 382 +50 / 382,39
Stamina 381 +45 / 381,67

M-1 127.61 masculin

M-1 127.61
Speed: 355 +43 / 355,91
Acceleration: 368 +44 / 368,49
Stamina 319 +38 / 403,21

F-451.76 feminin

Speed: 136 +16 / 136,00
Acceleration: 147 +18 / 147,59
Stamina 168 +20 / 168,17

M-470.83 masculin

Speed: 160 +19 / 160,57
Acceleration: 111 +13 / 111,48
Stamina 198 +24 / 198,78
etoileetoileetoile plusplusdemi-plus

Gift masculin

Speed: 397 +48 / 397,95
Acceleration: 397 +48 / 397,54
Stamina 288 +35 / 288,89
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu moinsmoinsmoins

Boule de neige masculin

Boule de neige
Speed: 23 / 23,00
Acceleration: 35 +8 / 35,00
Stamina 25 +2 / 25,00

F-1 165.16 feminin

F-1 165.16
Speed: 0 / 445,98
Acceleration: 0 / 350,46
Stamina 0 / 368,72

M-1 165.59 masculin

M-1 165.59
Speed: 0 / 447,78
Acceleration: 0 / 349,89
Stamina 0 / 367,92

F-552.97 feminin

Speed: 180 +22 / 180,00
Acceleration: 143 +17 / 143,06
Stamina 229 +27 / 229,91

F-587.96 feminin

Speed: 158 +19 / 158,68
Acceleration: 200 +24 / 200,03
Stamina 229 +27 / 229,25

M-1 105.77 masculin

M-1 105.77
Speed: 336 +40 / 336,76
Acceleration: 402 +48 / 402,23
Stamina 366 +44 / 366,78
etoile-bleu plus

F-1 123.13 feminin

F-1 123.13
Speed: 336 +42 / 336,77
Acceleration: 419 +51 / 419,96
Stamina 366 +45 / 366,40
etoile-bleu plus

M-891.28 masculin

Speed: 290 +35 / 290,84
Acceleration: 334 +40 / 334,59
Stamina 265 +32 / 265,85
etoileetoileetoile plusplus

F-898.38 feminin

Speed: 303 +36 / 303,60
Acceleration: 328 +39 / 328,48
Stamina 266 +32 / 266,30
etoileetoileetoile plusplus

F-1 145.19 feminin

F-1 145.19
Speed: 0 / 410,60
Acceleration: 0 / 362,51
Stamina 0 / 372,08

M-1 127.66 masculin

M-1 127.66
Speed: 395 +47 / 395,20
Acceleration: 397 +48 / 397,06
Stamina 335 +40 / 335,40

M-1 131.58 masculin

M-1 131.58
Speed: 399 +49 / 399,61
Acceleration: 396 +47 / 396,57
Stamina 335 +40 / 335,40
etoile plusplusplus

Orange Origin M masculin

Orange Origin M
Speed: 26 +3 / 26,00
Acceleration: 34 +4 / 34,00
Stamina 23 +3 / 23,00
etoile plusplus

Orange Origin F feminin

Orange Origin F
Speed: 20 +2 / 20,00
Acceleration: 31 +4 / 31,00
Stamina 32 +4 / 32,00
etoile plus

M-174.35 masculin

Speed: 4 / 42,74
Acceleration: 6 +1 / 77,31
Stamina 4 / 54,30

🌠M-1 179.54 masculin

🌠M-1 179.54
Speed: 393 +49 / 393,21
Acceleration: 393 +48 / 393,07
Stamina 393 +48 / 393,26
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu plusplusplus

💖True Rescue masculin

💖True Rescue
Speed: 43 +5 / 43,38
Acceleration: 82 +10 / 82,37
Stamina 69 +8 / 69,81

droite His/Her heaven

His/Her history

UDRZ UDRZ has taken part in 5 league races.
Yesterday, at 8:25pm
UDRZ UDRZ: F-1 159.46 has moved up a division to 5!
Yesterday, at 8:10pm
UDRZ UDRZ: F-1 185.82 has moved up a division to 7!
Yesterday, at 6:19pm
UDRZ UDRZ has taken part in 9 league races.
Yesterday, at 3:18pm
UDRZ UDRZ has taken part in 6 league races.
Thursday, at 4:17pm
UDRZ UDRZ: F-1 185.82 has moved up a division to 6!
Thursday, at 4:17pm
UDRZ UDRZ: M-1 190.91 has moved up a division to 5!
Thursday, at 3:55pm
UDRZ UDRZ: F-1 190.77 has moved up a division to 5!
Thursday, at 3:51pm
UDRZ UDRZ a participé à 1 course de challenge.
Wednesday, at 6:21pm
UDRZ UDRZ has taken part in 13 league races.
Wednesday, at 12:39pm
UDRZ UDRZ: F-1 185.82 has moved up a division to 5!
Wednesday, at 12:35pm