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🐇I am also on Lapino!🐇


🌱Currently Garden Grinding!🌱


🌿Stats of the Apex Orange Lineage!🍊

First Started: May 17, 2024

Total Orange Production: 🍊 34

Rubies Obtained from the Apex Orange: None Yet! We are just getting started!


⭐Current Quests

Level 10 Quests to do (Boy, the Level 9 quests were easy)

- Bring the Clan find wheel 5 times (5 Wheels Left!)

- Get the super carrot and feed it to one of my bunnies

- 960 mints harvested in 10 days

- 50% to 50.25% potential baby bunny birth

Already Completed

- More than 1 prize in the loto

- 1st Place in 3rd Division with my Ice-Cream Mascot

⭐Fun Facts About Me and My Experience!

- I speak english! (American, Still happy to translate other languages via Google Translate!)

- I am a fan of Parappa (including Um Jammer Lammy) and Pokemon!

- Seems that I'm currently a fan of Puyo Puyo too! (Note that some of my bunnies are named after the characters)

- I like origami, drawing, and just having fun!

- My first two bunnies on BunnyRace were Lapinou the Yellow Dwarf and Sadie the Brown Dwarf.

- Did you know that my first lineage, the 🌿Apex Orange🍊 lineage, started on the 15th Anniversary of Minecraft? (Minecraft was released on May 17th, 2009)

⭐Best Rank

9nd with 5 242 points

(Number: September 13th, 2024)

(Points: September 17th, 2024)

⭐Tournament Moments

No traps (4/25/24) - 1st

For all (5/3/24) - 4th

Lop (5/6/24) - 3rd

Bélier teddy (5/12/24) - 3rd

Angora satin (5/16/24) - 2nd

Pandours (5/19/24) - 4th

Panda Sablé (5/25/24) - 2nd

Flowers (6/3/24) - 4th

The Rabbit Olympics (6/6/24) - 2nd

The Festival of Seasons (6/21/24) - 2nd

Black (8/3/24) - 4th

Pink (8/15/24) - 4th

Red (8/18/24) - 4th

Bye Traps! (8/27/24) - 2nd


Need help or just want a laugh? Check out the links below!


🔎Discoveries and Theories From Experience🔎

(Useful information and observations from my experience!)


🐞Strange Bugs and Oopsies From Experience🐞

(Errors, bugs and other bloopers I've seen in my experience!)


⭐🐰⭐ Thanks For Visiting! ⭐🐰⭐


UDRZ niveau/10

9nd with 5 242 points

piece-petit 2 186 coins

192 active days

Registered march 7

Last connection monday

forgeron Blacksmith 102 alchimiste Alchemist 87 trouvaille Unity is strength
ecusson 22 clan wins
experience 1255 trophy points

vente Look at the sales

His/Her friends (8)

His/Her bests bunnies

🍨F-1 205.41 Pandours 1 205,41 (96,23%)
🎀ma chérie Lop-eared 1 159,07 (95,55%)
M-1 155.10 Panda 1 155,10 (95,53%)
F-1 196.54 Angora 1 196,54 (97,61%)
M-1 149.71 Mini-Lop 1 149,71 (93,86%)
avM-1146.79BT Bélier Teddy 1 146,79 (94,73%)
M-1 148.98 Dwarf 1 148,98 (94,79%)
🔔M-1 148.24 Panda Feu 1 148,24 (95,72%)
F-1 123.13 Lop 1 123,13 (92,71%)
F-1 169.27 Nain Cendré 1 169,27 (96,82%)
M-1 186.00 Angora satin 1 186,00 (97,58%)
genetique Raff-3-na Panda Sablé 1 206,94 (98,66%)
M-795.98 Original 795,98 (65,85%)
F-1 175.86 Nain Rex 1 175,86 (96,40%)
F-1 162.85 Nain Renard 1 162,85 (94,78%)

🌿Apex Orange🍊 Panda 947,09 (78,32%)
» See his/her lineages

His/Her bunnies (42)

🎸0 to 11⚡ feminin objet/magie/pigmentalo.png objet/magie/immortel.png

🎸0 to 11⚡
Speed: 0 +7 / 0,00
Acceleration: 0 +7 / 0,00
Stamina 0 +7 / 0,00
etoile plusdemi-plus

blue feminin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 445 +62 / 445,15
Acceleration: 348 +44 / 348,96
Stamina 367 +48 / 367,57
etoile-bleuetoile-bleuetoile-bleu moins

m to F-1 131.58 feminin

m to F-1 131.58
Speed: 399 +84 / 399,61
Acceleration: 396 +80 / 396,57
Stamina 335 +73 / 335,40

Athlete masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 343 +53 / 343,41
Acceleration: 383 +56 / 383,81
Stamina 484 +69 / 484,82
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu demi-plus

M-1 134.78 masculin

M-1 134.78
Speed: 412 +55 / 412,46
Acceleration: 418 +53 / 418,21
Stamina 304 +39 / 304,11

F-1 130.45 feminin

F-1 130.45
Speed: 412 +54 / 412,07
Acceleration: 415 +52 / 415,32
Stamina 303 +38 / 303,06
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu moins

M-1 196.51 masculin

M-1 196.51
Speed: 398 +52 / 398,75
Acceleration: 398 +50 / 398,91
Stamina 398 +50 / 398,85
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu moins

Raffina feminin

Speed: 398 +54 / 398,98
Acceleration: 399 +52 / 399,79
Stamina 398 +52 / 398,56

M-1 141.34 masculin

M-1 141.34
Speed: 390 +81 / 390,42
Acceleration: 391 +79 / 391,57
Stamina 359 +75 / 359,35

F-1 175.86 feminin

F-1 175.86
Speed: 363 +48 / 363,18
Acceleration: 381 +49 / 381,04
Stamina 431 +55 / 431,64
etoile plusplus

M-1 058.33 masculin

M-1 058.33
Speed: 296 +30 / 296,41
Acceleration: 333 +52 / 333,17
Stamina 428 +51 / 428,75

F-1 051.66 feminin

F-1 051.66
Speed: 301 +39 / 301,09
Acceleration: 324 +41 / 324,77
Stamina 425 +53 / 425,80

F-1 169.27 feminin

F-1 169.27
Speed: 388 +52 / 388,67
Acceleration: 399 +51 / 399,60
Stamina 381 +49 / 381,00

genetique M-1 201.73 masculin

M-1 201.73
Speed: 401 +82 / 401,17
Acceleration: 401 +80 / 401,19
Stamina 399 +80 / 399,37
etoile-bleuetoile-bleuetoile-bleu moins

genetique Raffina II feminin

Raffina II
Speed: 400 +257 / 400,16
Acceleration: 400 +204 / 400,80
Stamina 400 +135 / 400,96
etoile-rouge moins

F-892.59 feminin

Speed: 287 +29 / 287,67
Acceleration: 296 +47 / 296,31
Stamina 308 +36 / 308,61

M-902.11 masculin

Speed: 303 +31 / 303,51
Acceleration: 306 +48 / 306,02
Stamina 292 +34 / 292,58

M-957.50 masculin

Speed: 316 +33 / 316,90
Acceleration: 322 +50 / 322,43
Stamina 318 +37 / 318,17

F-967.40 feminin

Speed: 319 +41 / 319,63
Acceleration: 319 +40 / 319,99
Stamina 327 +41 / 327,78

Lidelle feminin

Speed: 366 +49 / 366,52
Acceleration: 372 +48 / 372,44
Stamina 363 +46 / 363,42
etoile-bleuetoile-bleuetoile-bleu moins

M-1 105.00 masculin

M-1 105.00
Speed: 363 +47 / 363,77
Acceleration: 372 +47 / 372,00
Stamina 369 +46 / 369,23

Ice-cream Masco masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Ice-cream Masco
Speed: 52 +105 / 52,00
Acceleration: 52 +64 / 52,00
Stamina 52 +75 / 52,00
etoileetoileetoile plus

F-947.09 feminin

Speed: 322 +42 / 322,15
Acceleration: 365 +46 / 365,26
Stamina 259 +32 / 259,68
etoileetoileetoile plusplus

M-935.35 masculin

Speed: 345 +45 / 345,64
Acceleration: 341 +43 / 341,62
Stamina 248 +31 / 248,09
etoileetoileetoile plusplus

F-1 150.72 feminin

F-1 150.72
Speed: 420 +55 / 420,45
Acceleration: 424 +53 / 424,82
Stamina 305 +38 / 305,45

M-1 155.10 masculin

M-1 155.10
Speed: 422 +55 / 422,32
Acceleration: 424 +53 / 424,10
Stamina 308 +39 / 308,68

F-1 196.54 feminin

F-1 196.54
Speed: 459 +60 / 459,65
Acceleration: 357 +45 / 357,75
Stamina 379 +47 / 379,14

M-1 195.31 masculin

M-1 195.31
Speed: 458 +209 / 458,92
Acceleration: 357 +220 / 357,92
Stamina 378 +146 / 378,47

F-1 180.41 feminin

F-1 180.41
Speed: 410 +53 / 410,95
Acceleration: 383 +48 / 383,19
Stamina 386 +48 / 386,27

M-1 186.00 masculin

M-1 186.00
Speed: 410 +53 / 410,96
Acceleration: 386 +48 / 386,68
Stamina 388 +49 / 388,36

F-1 173.35 feminin

F-1 173.35
Speed: 370 +48 / 370,83
Acceleration: 385 +48 / 385,09
Stamina 417 +52 / 417,43

M-1 170.85 masculin

M-1 170.85
Speed: 369 +48 / 369,35
Acceleration: 384 +48 / 384,07
Stamina 417 +52 / 417,43

F-1 162.85 feminin

F-1 162.85
Speed: 389 +53 / 389,08
Acceleration: 357 +45 / 357,86
Stamina 415 +53 / 415,91

F-1 162.71 feminin

F-1 162.71
Speed: 384 +50 / 388,83
Acceleration: 358 +45 / 358,48
Stamina 415 +52 / 415,40

M-1 148.98 masculin

M-1 148.98
Speed: 322 +42 / 322,73
Acceleration: 364 +46 / 364,51
Stamina 328 +41 / 461,74

M-1 197.97 masculin

M-1 197.97
Speed: 424 +55 / 424,55
Acceleration: 348 +44 / 396,07
Stamina 0 / 377,35

🍨F-1 205.41 feminin

🍨F-1 205.41
Speed: 424 +55 / 424,55
Acceleration: 397 +50 / 397,83
Stamina 383 +48 / 383,03

genetique Raff-3-na feminin

Speed: 402 +52 / 402,44
Acceleration: 402 +50 / 402,61
Stamina 0 / 401,89

genetique M-1 206.58 masculin

M-1 206.58
Speed: 402 +52 / 402,51
Acceleration: 402 +50 / 402,60
Stamina 0 / 401,47

F-1 141.99 feminin

F-1 141.99
Speed: 395 +81 / 395,62
Acceleration: 192 +54 / 394,37
Stamina 0 +30 / 352,00

🔔M-1 148.24 masculin

🔔M-1 148.24
Speed: 395 +149 / 395,22
Acceleration: 394 +316 / 394,27
Stamina 358 +240 / 358,75

F-1 147.51 feminin

F-1 147.51
Speed: 312 +41 / 323,74
Acceleration: 62 +8 / 363,33
Stamina 62 +8 / 460,44

His/Her Conservatory (39)

M-1 047.34 masculin

M-1 047.34
Speed: 354 +42 / 354,31
Acceleration: 348 +48 / 348,83
Stamina 344 +42 / 344,20
etoile-bleu moinsdemi-moins

vendre masculin

Speed: 299 +31 / 299,30
Acceleration: 414 +62 / 414,18
Stamina 350 +41 / 350,68
etoile-bleu plus

M-0.00 masculin

Speed: 0 / 0,00
Acceleration: 0 / 0,00
Stamina 0 / 0,00

F-0.00 feminin

Speed: 0 -1 / 0,00
Acceleration: 0 +1 / 0,00
Stamina 0 / 0,00

M-1 149.71 masculin

M-1 149.71
Speed: 382 +49 / 382,39
Acceleration: 384 +49 / 384,14
Stamina 383 +48 / 383,18
etoile-bleu plusplus

avM-1146.79BT masculin

Speed: 382 +47 / 382,73
Acceleration: 382 +52 / 382,39
Stamina 381 +47 / 381,67

F-451.76 feminin

Speed: 136 +18 / 136,00
Acceleration: 147 +18 / 147,59
Stamina 168 +21 / 168,17

M-470.83 masculin

Speed: 160 +21 / 160,57
Acceleration: 111 +14 / 111,48
Stamina 198 +25 / 198,78
etoileetoileetoile plusplusdemi-plus

Gift masculin

Speed: 397 +52 / 397,95
Acceleration: 397 +50 / 397,54
Stamina 288 +36 / 288,89
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu moinsmoinsmoins

Boule de neige masculin

Boule de neige
Speed: 23 +30 / 23,00
Acceleration: 35 +38 / 35,00
Stamina 25 +32 / 25,00

F-1 165.16 feminin

F-1 165.16
Speed: 0 / 445,98
Acceleration: 0 / 350,46
Stamina 0 / 368,72

M-1 165.59 masculin

M-1 165.59
Speed: 0 / 447,78
Acceleration: 0 / 349,89
Stamina 0 / 367,92

F-552.97 feminin

Speed: 180 +23 / 180,00
Acceleration: 143 +18 / 143,06
Stamina 229 +29 / 229,91

F-587.96 feminin

Speed: 158 +21 / 158,68
Acceleration: 200 +25 / 200,03
Stamina 229 +29 / 229,25

M-1 105.77 masculin

M-1 105.77
Speed: 336 +44 / 336,76
Acceleration: 402 +50 / 402,23
Stamina 366 +46 / 366,78
etoile-bleu plus

F-1 123.13 feminin

F-1 123.13
Speed: 336 +46 / 336,77
Acceleration: 419 +53 / 419,96
Stamina 366 +47 / 366,40
etoile-bleu plus

M-891.28 masculin

Speed: 290 +38 / 290,84
Acceleration: 334 +42 / 334,59
Stamina 265 +33 / 265,85
etoileetoileetoile plusplus

F-898.38 feminin

Speed: 303 +39 / 303,60
Acceleration: 328 +41 / 328,48
Stamina 266 +33 / 266,30
etoileetoileetoile plusplus

Sell F-1 148.23 feminin

Sell F-1 148.23
Speed: 324 +40 / 324,36
Acceleration: 441 +58 / 441,56
Stamina 382 +48 / 382,31

Sell M-1 149.63 masculin

Sell M-1 149.63
Speed: 323 +40 / 323,93
Acceleration: 442 +57 / 442,99
Stamina 382 +48 / 382,71

F-1 145.19 feminin

F-1 145.19
Speed: 0 / 410,60
Acceleration: 0 / 362,51
Stamina 0 / 372,08

M-1 127.66 masculin

M-1 127.66
Speed: 395 +51 / 395,20
Acceleration: 397 +50 / 397,06
Stamina 335 +42 / 335,40

Orange Origin M masculin

Orange Origin M
Speed: 26 +33 / 26,00
Acceleration: 34 +34 / 34,00
Stamina 23 +33 / 23,00
etoile plusplus

Orange Origin F feminin

Orange Origin F
Speed: 20 +33 / 20,00
Acceleration: 31 +34 / 31,00
Stamina 32 +34 / 32,00
etoile plus

M-174.35 masculin

Speed: 4 +31 / 42,74
Acceleration: 6 +31 / 77,31
Stamina 4 +31 / 54,30

🌠M-1 179.54 masculin

🌠M-1 179.54
Speed: 393 +53 / 393,21
Acceleration: 393 +50 / 393,07
Stamina 393 +50 / 393,26
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu plusplusplus

💖True Rescue masculin

💖True Rescue
Speed: 43 +36 / 43,38
Acceleration: 82 +40 / 82,37
Stamina 69 +39 / 69,81

M-493.27 masculin

Speed: 116 +14 / 116,97
Acceleration: 191 +25 / 191,59
Stamina 184 +23 / 184,71
etoile plus

F-451.62 feminin

Speed: 144 +18 / 144,00
Acceleration: 150 +20 / 150,75
Stamina 156 +20 / 156,87
etoile plus

avM-1188.90PS masculin

Speed: 396 +48 / 396,35
Acceleration: 396 +56 / 396,42
Stamina 396 +50 / 396,13
etoile-bleuetoile-bleuetoile-bleu demi-moins

F-759.71 feminin

Speed: 228 +29 / 228,59
Acceleration: 278 +36 / 278,81
Stamina 252 +32 / 252,31

M-795.98 masculin

Speed: 274 +35 / 274,49
Acceleration: 241 +31 / 241,48
Stamina 280 +35 / 280,01

🎀ma chérie feminin

🎀ma chérie
Speed: 325 +41 / 325,96
Acceleration: 448 +57 / 448,51
Stamina 384 +48 / 384,60
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu moinsmoinsdemi-moins

M-714.34 masculin

Speed: 232 +50 / 232,63
Acceleration: 241 +73 / 241,27
Stamina 240 +56 / 240,44

M-980.03 masculin

Speed: 335 +64 / 335,86
Acceleration: 341 +86 / 341,85
Stamina 302 +64 / 302,32

M-1 141.36 masculin

M-1 141.36
Speed: 390 +82 / 390,10
Acceleration: 391 +80 / 391,70
Stamina 359 +76 / 359,56

F-1 160.25 feminin

F-1 160.25
Speed: 0 / 387,59
Acceleration: 0 / 391,65
Stamina 0 / 381,01

F-1 112.24 feminin

F-1 112.24
Speed: 314 +72 / 314,82
Acceleration: 347 +74 / 347,39
Stamina 450 +87 / 450,03

M-1 167.32 masculin

M-1 167.32
Speed: 66 +9 / 364,56
Acceleration: 0 / 385,33
Stamina 0 / 417,43

droite His/Her heaven

His/Her history

UDRZ UDRZ has taken part in 12 league races.
Yesterday, at 4:55am
UDRZ UDRZ: Raffina II has moved up a division to 7!
Yesterday, at 4:53am
UDRZ UDRZ: M-1 195.31 has been relegated a division to 6…
Yesterday, at 4:38am
UDRZ UDRZ has taken part in 10 league races.
Monday, at 4:57pm
UDRZ UDRZ: Ice-cream Masco has moved up a division to 3!
Monday, at 4:53pm
UDRZ UDRZ: M-1 195.31 has moved up a division to 7!
Monday, at 4:24am
UDRZ UDRZ has had 4 baby bunnies.
Monday, at 4:00am
UDRZ UDRZ: Ice-cream Masco has been relegated a division to 2…
Sunday, at 6:11pm
UDRZ UDRZ has taken part in 10 league races.
Sunday, at 3:55pm
UDRZ UDRZ: M-1 195.31 has been relegated a division to 6…
Saturday, at 5:26pm
UDRZ UDRZ has taken part in 12 league races.
Saturday, at 4:49pm