Enjoy your Summer, BR players

Click to read the rules of Bunnyrace

Currently, I'm working on hopping my way to the top, and
figuring things out as I go. ^_^ Never thought I'd be a rabbit
person (I really like cats the best), but something about this
place has me bouncing back for more.

 Any bunny that does not have "Sell" in
it's name is not for sale.  (That includes my Dracula bunny. :P) Those that will be sold
will be put in the market once they are fully trained.
I have a group of Magic Night Bunnies helping now, so hopefully it won't take more then three weeks or possibly four for the higher stats bunnies.

Oh, and if you haven't even
said hello before sending a friend request, then I'm just going to
ignore you. :P This isn't Twitter; say something so we can get to know each other!
Just make sure to type out words and don't use chatspeak, otherwise I won't know what you're
saying. ^_^ If I like ya, then we can be friends!


Danny Phantom Season 2 Intro HD
Zelda: Dragon Roost Island Theme
Digimon World: Digital Card Battle "Break Up!"
Zelda: Song of Storms ~Remix~
Pokémon Colosseum: Virtual (Unused song)

~Achieved 500 active days September 24, 2013~
~1/20/14, 2/21/14, 6/30/15 Chocolate Bunny gave me a Ruby~

Okay, due to an influx of illiterate children that are obviously not reading the note above, my Dracula, Chocolate, and Magic Night Bunnies are NOT for sale.
(Don't ask for Amethyst or Abominable either.)
...Same goes for my Divine...

What’s Your Inner Animal Quiz

Shhh, Pikachu is sleeping.

Like my page before you go? :D


Gamekatt101 niveau/8

83nd with 1 560 points

piece-petit 19 737 coins

1866 active days

Registered april 17 2012

Last connection july 18 2017

forgeron Blacksmith 100 alchimiste Alchemist 59 ecusson 207 clan wins
experience 590 trophy points

vente Look at the sales
vente Look at the bunnies sales

His/Her friends (25)

His/Her bests bunnies

Amethyst Original 170,97 (13,77%)
F-399.26 Dwarf 399,26 (32,06%)

» See his/her lineages

droite His/Her bunnies (17) - Déplier / Replier

Dracula masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 54 +5 / 54,00
Acceleration: 53 +23 / 53,00
Stamina 52 +14 / 52,00
etoile-bleu moinsmoinsmoins

Chocolate masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 27 / 34,00
Acceleration: 27 +25 / 27,00
Stamina 22 +6 / 22,00
etoileetoile demi-moins

Magic Night masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Magic Night
Speed: 6 -10 / 6,00
Acceleration: 11 +13 / 11,00
Stamina 15 -4 / 15,00

Magic Night masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Magic Night
Speed: 6 -10 / 6,00
Acceleration: 6 +13 / 6,00
Stamina 2 -4 / 2,00
etoile plus

Magic Night masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Magic Night
Speed: 18 -10 / 18,00
Acceleration: 5 +13 / 5,00
Stamina 8 -4 / 8,00
etoile moinsdemi-moins

Magic Night masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Magic Night
Speed: 20 -10 / 20,00
Acceleration: 10 +13 / 10,00
Stamina 12 -4 / 12,00

Magic Night masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Magic Night
Speed: 5 -10 / 5,00
Acceleration: 8 +13 / 8,00
Stamina 9 -4 / 9,00
etoile moinsmoinsmoinsdemi-moins

Magic Night masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Magic Night
Speed: 10 -9 / 10,00
Acceleration: 14 +14 / 14,00
Stamina 16 -3 / 16,00
etoile plusdemi-plus

Amethyst masculin objet/magie/pigmentalo.png objet/magie/boost-competence.png objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 56 +36 / 56,96
Acceleration: 56 +58 / 56,97
Stamina 57 +47 / 57,04
etoileetoileetoile plus

Abominable masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 10 -10 / 14,00
Acceleration: 10 +13 / 10,00
Stamina 7 -4 / 7,00

Divine feminin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 53 +37 / 53,00
Acceleration: 92 +24 / 92,00
Stamina 73 +42 / 73,00
etoileetoileetoile plusplusdemi-plus

Super Dracula masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Super Dracula
Speed: 87 +50 / 87,40
Acceleration: 87 +36 / 87,40
Stamina 87 +27 / 87,40
etoile-bleu moinsmoinsmoinsdemi-moins

Frozen feminin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 415 -9 / 415,65
Acceleration: 405 +14 / 405,87
Stamina 400 -3 / 400,98

Garland feminin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 10 -10 / 16,00
Acceleration: 10 +13 / 16,00
Stamina 16 -4 / 16,00

F-399.26 feminin

Speed: 109 -3 / 109,41
Acceleration: 126 +5 / 126,58
Stamina 163 / 163,27
etoile-bleu demi-moins

M-397.75 masculin

Speed: 112 -2 / 112,01
Acceleration: 124 +5 / 124,34
Stamina 161 / 161,40
etoile-bleu moins

Exposia feminin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 12 -5 / 18,00
Acceleration: 0 +6 / 18,00
Stamina 0 -1 / 18,00

droite His/Her Conservatory (0) - Déplier / Replier

droite His/Her heaven

His/Her history

No news from your friends for the moment…