Mr. Turtle

Oh boy! I nearly fell asleep in that one!

Apart from that… I suppose it wasn't too bad...

Tournament race: Dwarf, August 2020.
- Pussyfoot use objet/piege/ressort.png Great bouncing starter to get the advantage!
- Nil send objet/piege/glace.png Great icy trap to his opponents!

Watch the race again

Watch the tournament

Pet shop
heure 4.93
Pet shop
heure 10.39
account deleted
heure 12.14
Jersey Wooly
heure 15.35


Speed: 263
Acceleration: 230
Stamina: 314


Speed: 374
Acceleration: 325
Stamina: 374


Speed: 179
Acceleration: 204
Stamina: 252


Speed: 211
Acceleration: 236
Stamina: 285