M-1 066.51 masculin objet/magie/pigmentalo.png objet/magie/immortel.png

M-1 066.51
Speed: 342 +100 / 342,95
Acceleration: 372 +123 / 372,56
Stamina 351 +139 / 351,00
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu plus
Well, we've never seen that before! (1336)



Hello M-1 066.51, can you tell us a little about yourself?
- I am a male bunny (buck) don't care too much about how I smell, I don't like being bothered, I'm pretty easy to feed.

How do you feel about digging bunny holes?
- I can't stand digging holes.

And what about grass? Do you like it?
- I always eat up all my greens. It's good for my digestion.

Thanks, that was M-1 066.51 live on BunnyRace TV

Racing history

etoile-bleu 10.31 sec 3nd piece 20 see again May 2024
etoile-bleu 11.18 sec 2nd piece 28 see again May 2024
etoile-rouge 102.85 sec 4nd piece 21 see again May 2024
etoile 3.94 sec 1st piece 10 see again April 2024
etoileetoile 10.22 sec 2nd piece 14 see again April 2024
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu 33.44 sec 5nd piece 10 see again May 2023
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu 15.9 sec 1st piece 50 see again May 2023
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu 14.96 sec 1st piece 50 see again May 2023
etoile-rougeetoile-rouge 114.99 sec 4nd piece 24 see again May 2023
etoile-rougeetoile-rouge 109.53 sec 1st piece 80 see again May 2023
Bred by: Reaper
Gender and age: masculin 14 years and 1 month
Breed: Lop
Lineage: None
Birth: March 21 2023
Original color : Orange
Potential: 1 066,51 (89,36%)
Weight: 3.02 kg
Status: in the pen
Parents: M-1 061.77 and Unknown