Nain renard feminin

Nain renard
Speed: 332 +30 / 332,80
Acceleration: 332 +35 / 332,77
Stamina 332 +32 / 332,62
etoile-bleu plus
Racer (275)



Hello Nain renard, can you tell us a little about yourself?
- I am a female bunny (doe) clean, I don't like being bothered, I don't like eating too much.

How do you feel about digging bunny holes?
- I'd rather not use my claws for digging

And what about grass? Do you like it?
- I love grass, it's really great!

Thanks, that was Nain renard live on BunnyRace TV

Racing history

etoile 7.42 sec 4nd piece 3 see again June 2023
etoile-bleu 14.88 sec 1st piece 40 see again October 2022
Bred by: florian2010
Gender and age: feminin 1 year and 6 months
Breed: Nain Renard
Lineage: None
Birth: October 13 2022
Original color : Red
Potential: 998,19 (83,01%)
Weight: 2.8 kg
Status: at the Conservatory
Parents: Unknown and avF-997.07NR