Troll masculin

Speed: 80 / 80,65
Acceleration: 66 / 66,08
Stamina 73 / 73,26
Little lazybones (0)
Activate his turbo mode to temporarily increase his skills. Once completed, his skills will be very low for 7 days so he can rest.



Hello Troll, can you tell us a little about yourself?
- I am a male bunny (buck) I don't like being bothered, I love munching and snacking.

How do you feel about digging bunny holes?
- I can't stand digging holes.

And what about grass? Do you like it?
- I can't stand grass! I only eat fruit, just fruit, OK?

Thanks, that was Troll live on BunnyRace TV

Racing history

etoile 8.43 sec 1st piece 10 see again September 2022
Bred by: ASP
Gender and age: masculin 5 months
Breed: You have
Level: 1 regarder
Lineage: None
Birth: September 28 2022
Original color : Green
Potential: 219,99 (0,00%)
Weight: 1.5 kg
Status: racing
Parents: Unknown and Unknown