Mrark masculin objet/magie/trefle-or.png

Speed: 55 -1 / 55,00
Acceleration: 41 +3 / 41,35
Stamina 68 +2 / 68,78
Little racer (103)



Hello Mrark, can you tell us a little about yourself?
- I am a male bunny (buck) clean, I don't like being bothered, I love munching and snacking.

How do you feel about digging bunny holes?
- Digging holes is my absolute favorite!

And what about grass? Do you like it?
- I won't eat anything but grass! It's so delicious.

Thanks, that was Mrark live on BunnyRace TV

Racing history

etoileetoile 33.47 sec 4nd piece 6 see again May 2021
etoileetoile 28.89 sec 4nd piece 6 see again May 2021
etoileetoile 26.9 sec 3nd piece 10 see again May 2021
etoileetoile 23.38 sec 1st piece 20 see again May 2021
etoileetoile 25.3 sec 3nd piece 10 see again May 2021
etoile 12.07 sec 1st piece 10 see again May 2021
etoile 21.16 sec 2nd piece 7 see again May 2021
etoile 15.47 sec 1st piece 10 see again May 2021
etoile 13.49 sec 1st piece 10 see again May 2021
etoile 22.16 sec 1st piece 10 see again May 2021
Bred by: a stranger
Gender and age: masculin 1 year and 1 month
Breed: Lop
Lineage: None
Birth: April 29 2021
Original color : White
Potential: 165,13 (13,83%)
Weight: 2.91 kg
Status: in the pen
Parents: Guimauve and Zuzu