Totoro feminin

Speed: 332 / 332,00
Acceleration: 335 / 335,00
Stamina 345 / 345,00
Major racer (500)



Hello Totoro, can you tell us a little about yourself?
- I am a female bunny (doe) don't care too much about how I smell, very sociable I don't like eating too much.

How do you feel about digging bunny holes?
- I quite like digging bunny holes now and again.

And what about grass? Do you like it?
- I won't eat that green rubbish! No way. Grass is for cows.

Thanks, that was Totoro live on BunnyRace TV

Racing history

etoile-bleu 21.9 sec 3nd piece 20 see again 3 hours ago
etoile-bleu 28.25 sec 5nd piece 8 see again Yesterday, at 6:25pm
etoile-bleu 24.21 sec 5nd piece 8 see again Yesterday, at 6:18pm
etoile-bleu 24.75 sec 5nd piece 8 see again Yesterday, at 5:58pm
etoile-bleu 20.97 sec 4nd piece 12 see again Yesterday, at 5:56pm
etoile-bleu 19.94 sec 3nd piece 20 see again Yesterday, at 5:54pm
etoile-bleu 22.42 sec 5nd piece 8 see again Yesterday, at 2:28pm
etoile-bleu 17.8 sec 5nd piece 8 see again Yesterday, at 1:49pm
etoile-bleu 25.49 sec 5nd piece 8 see again Yesterday, at 1:42pm
etoile-bleu 22.92 sec 4nd piece 12 see again Yesterday, at 11:53am
Bred by: BunnyRace
Gender and age: feminin 2 years and 6 months
Breed: Original
Lineage: None
Birth: June 28 2009
Original color : Pink
Potential: 1 012,00 (84,93%)
Weight: 3 kg
Status: in the pen
Parents: Unknown and Unknown