ally feminin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 29 +1 / 29,00
Acceleration: 31 +8 / 31,00
Stamina 23 +3 / 23,00
etoile plusdemi-plus
Little lazybones (9)



Hello ally, can you tell us a little about yourself?
- I am a female bunny (doe) don't care too much about how I smell, I love munching and snacking.

How do you feel about digging bunny holes?
- I'd rather not use my claws for digging

And what about grass? Do you like it?
- I always eat up all my greens. It's good for my digestion.

Thanks, that was ally live on BunnyRace TV

Racing history

ally is a little lazy theses times.
Bred by: mystery
Gender and age: feminin 6 years and 11 months
Breed: Lop-eared
Lineage: None
Birth: March 13 2013
Original color : Yellow
Potential: 83,00 (6,66%)
Weight: 2.75 kg
Status: at the Conservatory
Parents: Unknown and Unknown
Bred by: #1525.