It's been a long time Bunnrace - I doubt I will stay but I'm really glad this site is still running. Sorry I left so abruptly, especially to Trunks whom I know left a while ago (I had made an alt because I hadn't remembered my log in but I looked under high scores and somehow I still have one..)

All dwarf bunnies besides Derpy MUST GO I have been selling them for very cheap prices, but they are adding up quickly, if not sold they will not be fed and therefore die.

Poster preview     Poster preview     Poster preview
All you gotta do is ask first if you really want one :)

Long Ago:
Best:  42nd with 2363 points

Best: 35th with 2156 points

       ATTENTION (Items):
Owl Feathers!!
If You Are Willing To Sell Any Of These Items To Me, Then Message Me :-)

None! :D
If You Can Do This Or Know Someone Who Can, Message Me :-

None! :D

ADVENTURE TIME! :P                
Jake's success dance

niveau/8 Level 8 quests

heure Reach level 65 in a profession   >   -_-  smh
ok Own 7 natural-colored bunnies
ok Win a division 5 race
ok Have 30 palm leaves in your inventory
(Check!) Own 5 different kinds of necklaces  
heure Harvest 6 different types of crops on the same day  
 >>> If someone could explain this to me?!

      I'm gettin closer to level 9  :)   Now let's work on rank...
    Can I make it to 20th place or better by 250 active days?? NOPE!

Time For Some Ouran High School Host Club :) :) :)


Relatable Post: FAVE 5! (Don't know why it gets cut off, so you all gonna have to read them the best you can :P )



-moneyman- niveau/8

553nd with 599 points

piece-petit 8 018 coins

305 active days

Registered may 5 2012

Last connection april 17 2023

alchimiste Alchemist 49 scientifique Scientist 34 ecusson 29 clan wins
experience 405 trophy points

vente Look at the sales
vente Look at the bunnies sales

His/Her friends (8)

His/Her bests bunnies

M-188.73 Dwarf 188,73 (15,15%)
melody Original 171,56 (13,82%)

» See his/her lineages

droite His/Her bunnies (9) - Déplier / Replier

✩Derpy✩ feminin objet/magie/pigmentalo.png objet/magie/boost-competence.png objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 42 +18 / 42,28
Acceleration: 42 +79 / 42,07
Stamina 42 +42 / 42,30
etoileetoileetoile moins

melody feminin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 57 -7 / 57,14
Acceleration: 57 +16 / 57,20
Stamina 57 -1 / 57,22
etoile-bleu moinsmoinsmoins

Divine feminin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 57 +34 / 57,00
Acceleration: 82 +34 / 82,00
Stamina 57 +31 / 57,00

Exposia masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 7 +8 / 7,00
Acceleration: 7 +55 / 7,00
Stamina 17 +17 / 17,00

Magic Night masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Magic Night
Speed: 10 +25 / 10,00
Acceleration: 19 +30 / 19,00
Stamina 13 +20 / 13,00

F-186.71 feminin

Speed: 52 +2 / 52,64
Acceleration: 59 +10 / 59,23
Stamina 74 +5 / 74,84

F-188.41 feminin

Speed: 53 +4 / 53,05
Acceleration: 59 +8 / 59,94
Stamina 75 +6 / 75,42

M-188.37 masculin

Speed: 53 +5 / 53,29
Acceleration: 59 +8 / 59,68
Stamina 75 +6 / 75,40

M-188.73 masculin

Speed: 53 +5 / 53,23
Acceleration: 59 +8 / 59,97
Stamina 75 +6 / 75,53

droite His/Her Conservatory (0) - Déplier / Replier

droite His/Her heaven

His/Her history

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