Welcome 2 my page!!.

I like dancing and singing.
I love The Vampire Diaries and Twilight
I love Ariana Grande and One Direction

I like Wolves
I don't like bunnies that much but my sister forced me to an account, tho she deleted her account when i made mine which was pretty weird... well who cares

Like my page please help me get 50 likes, If you make my 50th like gets a surprize!!!! So better like now!!!! ;)

Please don't STEAL reserved bunnies :( It's annoying if you
promised someone a bunny and then she/he doesn't get that bunny, it's sad!!! So plz don't steal bunniez!!!!!! thnx

http://b8.img.v4.skyrock.net/5768/86115768/pics/3129753804_1_2_LozzDb6T.jpgphoto<--- So true!!!


are like apples

on trees.The best ones

are at the top of the tree.

The boys don't want to reach

for the good ones because they

are afraid of falling and getting hurt.

Instead, they just get the rotten apples

from the ground that aren't as good,

but easy.So the apples at the top think

something is wrong with them, when in

reality , they're amazing.They just

have to wait for the right boy to

come along,the one who's

brave enough to

climb all

the way

to the top

of the tree.

all girls copy this and paste it on your page




Vampirez niveau/5

819nd with 453 points

piece-petit 0 coin

39 active days

Registered august 31 2013

Last connection november 14 2014

scientifique Scientist 8 ecusson 1 clan win
experience 165 trophy points

vente Look at the sales

His/Her friends (2)

His/Her bests bunnies

Elena Panda 83,00 (6,86%)
Caroline Lop-eared 145,50 (11,99%)
M-162.67 Angora 162,67 (13,27%)

» See his/her lineages

His/Her bunnies (5)

Elena feminin

Speed: 22 -5 / 22,00
Acceleration: 31 +6 / 31,00
Stamina 30 -1 / 30,00
etoileetoile plusplusdemi-plus

Stefan masculin

Speed: 32 +3 / 32,00
Acceleration: 27 +11 / 27,00
Stamina 24 +17 / 24,00
etoileetoileetoile moinsmoinsmoinsdemi-moins

Caroline feminin

Speed: 44 -1 / 44,97
Acceleration: 52 +1 / 52,42
Stamina 48 / 48,11
etoileetoileetoile plusplusplusdemi-plus

jelly feminin

Speed: 5 -4 / 34,43
Acceleration: 0 +5 / 26,05
Stamina 0 -1 / 27,75
etoile moinsdemi-moins

M-162.67 masculin

Speed: 60 -3 / 60,55
Acceleration: 50 +3 / 50,66
Stamina 51 / 51,46
etoile plusplusplusdemi-plus

His/Her Conservatory (0)

droite His/Her heaven

His/Her history

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