Hello my name is Coralie, I have 29
years old and I am French.
I like rabbits and
285 trophy points Look at the sales His/Her friends (12)Trendy40 Mars kaedyn03 emily h team3360 bun buns washer sidders ~flower~ Alizyia Purple Elephant Happy =)
His/Her bests bunnies
His/Her bunnies (2)
Speed: 23 +35 / 23,00
Acceleration: 32 +63 / 32,00
Stamina 28 +55 / 28,00
Acceleration: 32 +63 / 32,00
Stamina 28 +55 / 28,00
Speed: 57 +27 / 57,17
Acceleration: 47 +22 / 47,90
Stamina 48 +23 / 48,08
Acceleration: 47 +22 / 47,90
Stamina 48 +23 / 48,08
His/Her Conservatory (0)
His/Her heaven
His/Her history
No news from your friends for the moment… |