Hi everyone!

Me in anime

Update: 1. This is my new rp charecter. 2.My formations tomarrow 3.I changed my username to Soyoutaggedme

This elegant young lady reminds me of 'Bella Swan in The Twilight Saga (the graphic novel version.)


Seriously Rate Me , I don't care what you rate me!

 Glacia; First of my moving Pokemon Icons. Created using Adobe Photoshop and Image Ready. Images (C) PocketMoEevee; Seventh of my moving Pokemon Icons. Created using Adobe Photoshop and Image Ready. Images (C) PocketMUmbria; Fourth of my moving Pokemon Icons. Created using Adobe Photoshop and Image Ready. Images (C) PocketMVaporia; Sixth of my moving Pokemon Icons. Created using Adobe Photoshop and Image Ready. Images (C) PocketMFlaria; Fifth of my moving Pokemon Icons. Created using Adobe Photoshop and Image Ready. Images (C) PocketMoLeafia; Second of my moving Pokemon Icons. Created using Adobe Photoshop and Image Ready. Images (C) PocketMEspia; Third of my moving Pokemon Icons. Created using Adobe Photoshop and Image Ready. Images (C) PocketMonJoltia; Eighth of my moving Pokemon Icons. Created using Adobe Photoshop and Image Ready. Images (C) PocketMlolcatsdotcomph1bn8ragyuj06jp.jpgLoyal Sister

 Me and my friend naj0110, you rock!

    Sleepy kittenSoccer BallBrown Wolf Howling - Royalty Free Clipart Picture



A teenage girl, aged about 17, named Diane had gone to

visit some friends one evening and time passed quickly as

eachshared their various experiences of the past year.

She ended up staying longer than planned,

and had to walk home alone. she wasn't afraid because it

was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away.

as she walked along under the tall elm trees,

Diane asked god to keep her safe from harm and danger.

When she reached the alley, which was a short cut to her

house, she decided to take it.

However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man

standing at the end as though he were waiting for her.

She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for GOD'S

protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and

security wrapped round her, she felt as though someone

was walking with her. When she reached the end of the

alley,she walked right past the man and arrived home safely

The following day, she read in thenewspaper that a young

girl had been raped in the same alley just twenty minutes

after she had been there. Feeling overwhelmed by this

tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she

began to weep. Thanking the Lord for her safety and to

help this young woman, she decided to go to the police

station. She felt she could recognize the man,

so she told them her story. The police asked her if she

would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could

identify him. She agreed and immediately pointed out the

man she had seen in the alley the night before. When the

man was told he had been identified, he immediately

broke down and confessed.

the officer thanked Diane for her bravery and asked if

there was anything they could do for her.

She asked if they would ask the man one question.

Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her.

When the policeman asked him, he answered,

"Because she wasn't alone. She had two tall men walking

on either side of her."

Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you're never alone.

Did you know that 98% of teenagers will not stand up for God,

and 93% of the people that read this won't put this on their page!

So plz put this on your page! God is always there for you .

he will never leave you nor forsake you....


Make your own banner at MyBannerMaker.com

 Stop Animal Abuse Day6.jpg photo PLEASESTOP.gif photoMe as a wolf

CUTE FROG picsfunny iconsVeterinarian GirlGerman sheapardImage



Smiley FaceGodgirl


When I see my parents trying to use the internet

When I see someone I hate getting into trouble

When the teacher tries to seperate you from your friends.

When you try to pet a dog and it growls at you:

If a man says you're ugly he's being mean. If a woman says you're ugly she's envious. If a little kid says you're ugly, you're ugly.

When you throw something into the trash and it bounces off the wall, but lands in there anyway:


ryleelove niveau/6

411nd with 685 points

piece-petit 1 140 coins

292 active days

Registered november 4 2012

Last connection november 24 2016

scientifique Scientist 19
experience 255 trophy points

vente Look at the sales

His/Her friends (35)

His/Her bests bunnies

Sammy Lop-eared 213,90 (17,63%)
Sour Apple Panda 124,67 (10,31%)
Burn Angora 199,12 (16,24%)
Dusk Dwarf 155,61 (12,83%)
Olive Original 214,22 (17,72%)

» See his/her lineages

His/Her bunnies (19)

Alex masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 32 -1 / 32,58
Acceleration: 36 +19 / 36,53
Stamina 35 +2 / 35,28
etoileetoileetoile moinsmoinsmoinsdemi-moins

bun bun feminin

bun bun
Speed: 13 / 30,82
Acceleration: 23 +3 / 32,36
Stamina 31 +3 / 33,53
etoile plus

Spicestar feminin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 58 +17 / 58,71
Acceleration: 49 +33 / 49,33
Stamina 49 +10 / 49,00

hoppit jr masculin

hoppit jr
Speed: 24 -2 / 24,10
Acceleration: 30 +5 / 30,72
Stamina 32 +1 / 32,15
etoile plusplusplusdemi-plus

Leizal feminin objet/magie/energie-infinie.png objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 66 -2 / 66,28
Acceleration: 53 +27 / 53,33
Stamina 54 -1 / 54,16
etoile-bleu moins

Sweet Heart masculin

Sweet Heart
Speed: 40 +7 / 40,20
Acceleration: 44 +8 / 44,46
Stamina 36 -2 / 36,93
etoileetoile plusplusplusdemi-plus

Sunstreak feminin

Speed: 68 -3 / 68,35
Acceleration: 46 +4 / 54,77
Stamina 56 +1 / 57,08
etoile-bleu moins

Orangecloud feminin

Speed: 69 -4 / 69,47
Acceleration: 44 +5 / 55,59
Stamina 42 +2 / 55,59
etoile-bleu moins

Breezetail feminin

Speed: 41 / 41,70
Acceleration: 46 +7 / 46,42
Stamina 54 +2 / 54,71
etoileetoile plusplusdemi-plus

Swiftbreeze feminin

Speed: 43 -2 / 43,72
Acceleration: 48 +5 / 48,17
Stamina 54 +2 / 54,46
etoileetoileetoile moinsmoinsmoins

Seedpelt feminin

Speed: 63 -1 / 70,22
Acceleration: 40 +6 / 55,89
Stamina 40 / 56,59
etoile-bleu moins

Lilywhisker feminin

Speed: 57 -1 / 67,25
Acceleration: 38 +4 / 53,96
Stamina 38 +1 / 55,83
etoile-bleu moins

Foxdawn feminin

Speed: 57 -4 / 69,31
Acceleration: 38 +5 / 55,52
Stamina 48 +1 / 55,86
etoile-bleu moins

Fawnleap feminin

Speed: 57 -3 / 70,59
Acceleration: 38 +5 / 54,68
Stamina 48 / 57,78
etoile-bleu moinsmoins

Sammy masculin

Speed: 60 / 60,57
Acceleration: 81 +16 / 81,93
Stamina 71 +4 / 71,40
etoile-bleu moinsmoins

Samson masculin

Speed: 53 -2 / 67,18
Acceleration: 18 +2 / 73,08
Stamina 18 +1 / 69,39

Laurel feminin

Speed: 38 +1 / 68,32
Acceleration: 18 +2 / 68,32
Stamina 26 / 71,91
etoileetoileetoile moins

Olive feminin

Speed: 38 -1 / 71,22
Acceleration: 18 +2 / 71,47
Stamina 18 / 71,53
etoileetoileetoile moins

Cody masculin

Speed: 38 -1 / 68,08
Acceleration: 18 +4 / 72,36
Stamina 18 / 71,38

His/Her Conservatory (30)

yellow masculin

Speed: 22 -3 / 22,70
Acceleration: 29 +4 / 29,23
Stamina 32 / 32,99
etoileetoileetoile moinsdemi-moins

hoppit masculin

Speed: 23 -2 / 23,10
Acceleration: 29 +3 / 29,89
Stamina 33 / 33,19

Aaron masculin

Speed: 2 -2 / 31,10
Acceleration: 1 +3 / 31,47
Stamina 2 / 34,41

redfang masculin

Speed: 0 -2 / 23,27
Acceleration: 0 +2 / 30,02
Stamina 0 / 32,77

foxleap masculin

Speed: 23 -5 / 23,03
Acceleration: 30 +6 / 30,91
Stamina 32 -1 / 32,95
etoileetoile demi-plus

Potiron feminin

Speed: 21 -8 / 21,00
Acceleration: 33 +10 / 33,00
Stamina 29 -2 / 29,00
etoileetoile moinsdemi-moins

Stormstar masculin

Speed: 56 / 59,71
Acceleration: 59 +5 / 59,94
Stamina 59 +2 / 59,90
etoile-bleu demi-moins

stormy masculin objet/magie/pigmentalo.png

Speed: 32 +5 / 32,00
Acceleration: 26 +7 / 26,00
Stamina 25 +6 / 25,00
etoileetoileetoile moins

Sour Apple masculin

Sour Apple
Speed: 43 / 43,19
Acceleration: 42 / 42,01
Stamina 39 / 39,47

Flamestorm masculin

Speed: 22 -3 / 22,91
Acceleration: 29 +4 / 29,57
Stamina 32 -1 / 32,01

Rose feminin

Speed: 63 -3 / 63,60
Acceleration: 51 +4 / 51,58
Stamina 51 -1 / 51,83
etoileetoileetoile plusplusdemi-plus

Blossomfall feminin

Speed: 22 -3 / 22,80
Acceleration: 29 +4 / 29,41
Stamina 33 -1 / 33,07

Lovie feminin

Speed: 22 -3 / 22,65
Acceleration: 28 +4 / 28,93
Stamina 32 -1 / 32,47

Blossom feminin

Speed: 61 -2 / 61,12
Acceleration: 50 +2 / 50,08
Stamina 50 / 50,33
etoileetoileetoile plusplus

Jenny feminin

Speed: 52 -2 / 52,69
Acceleration: 66 +3 / 66,14
Stamina 59 / 59,75

Chris masculin

Speed: 43 -2 / 52,58
Acceleration: 46 +2 / 62,12
Stamina 58 / 58,39

Mistfur feminin

Speed: 60 -7 / 60,42
Acceleration: 61 +8 / 61,12
Stamina 60 -2 / 60,87
etoile plusplus

Cherry feminin

Speed: 63 -6 / 63,81
Acceleration: 52 +8 / 52,32
Stamina 53 -2 / 53,91

Rosetail feminin

Speed: 62 -7 / 62,78
Acceleration: 62 +9 / 62,77
Stamina 62 -2 / 62,71
etoileetoileetoile plusplusdemi-plus

Ashfoot feminin

Speed: 60 -6 / 60,56
Acceleration: 61 +7 / 61,01
Stamina 60 -2 / 60,69
etoileetoileetoile plusdemi-plus

Smokecloud feminin

Speed: 60 -6 / 60,43
Acceleration: 61 +7 / 61,15
Stamina 61 -2 / 61,04
etoile plusplusdemi-plus

Orangefang masculin

Speed: 71 -8 / 71,50
Acceleration: 55 +10 / 55,92
Stamina 59 -3 / 59,24

Petalheart feminin

Speed: 61 -7 / 61,87
Acceleration: 62 +9 / 62,02
Stamina 61 -2 / 61,88
etoileetoile plusdemi-plus

Longfur masculin

Speed: 61 -7 / 61,57
Acceleration: 61 +9 / 61,96
Stamina 61 -2 / 61,61
etoile plusplus

Darkheart masculin

Speed: 25 -6 / 25,74
Acceleration: 31 +7 / 31,33
Stamina 34 -2 / 34,74
etoileetoile plusdemi-plus

Coralfur feminin

Speed: 68 -6 / 68,53
Acceleration: 54 +7 / 54,48
Stamina 56 -2 / 56,56
etoileetoile plusplus

Sweetcloud feminin

Speed: 66 -4 / 66,39
Acceleration: 52 +5 / 52,97
Stamina 54 -1 / 54,46
etoile plusplusplus

Dusk feminin

Speed: 44 -3 / 44,23
Acceleration: 50 +4 / 50,19
Stamina 61 -1 / 61,19
etoile-bleu moinsmoinsmoinsdemi-moins

Burn feminin

Speed: 76 -2 / 76,65
Acceleration: 59 +2 / 59,63
Stamina 62 / 62,84
etoileetoileetoile plus

Grayshadow masculin

Speed: 67 -2 / 67,91
Acceleration: 67 +3 / 67,99
Stamina 67 / 67,99
etoile-bleu demi-moins

droite His/Her heaven

His/Her history

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