Mr. Turtle

Sorry! I think I've my lost my glasses.

Could you start again, please?

Tournament race: Dracula and super dracula, March 2016.
- kaedyn03 send objet/piege/ovni.png Great remote-controlled UFO to his opponents!
- Lola621 use objet/piege/ressort.png Great bouncing starter to get the advantage!
- Daisy use objet/piege/ressort.png Great bouncing starter to get the advantage!

Watch the race again

Watch the tournament

heure 26.83
heure 32.35
account deleted
heure 46.68

Super Dracula

Speed: 215
Acceleration: 110
Stamina: 138

Super Dracula

Speed: 181
Acceleration: 151
Stamina: 181

Super Dracula

Speed: 184
Acceleration: 93
Stamina: 107

Super Dracula

Speed: 148
Acceleration: 133
Stamina: 90