Mr. Turtle

Sorry! I think I've my lost my glasses.

Could you start again, please?

Tournament race: colorama, June 2020.
- cascar7916 use objet/piege/fusee.png Great rocket to get the advantage!
- bunnylove029 use objet/piege/fusee.png Rocket to get the advantage!
- kaedyn03 send objet/piege/bombe.png Great explosive trap to his opponents!

Watch the race again

Watch the tournament


Speed: 334
Acceleration: 256
Stamina: 301


Speed: 181
Acceleration: 185
Stamina: 191

Cyber 654.48

Speed: 255
Acceleration: 205
Stamina: 213

The War of 1812

Speed: 285
Acceleration: 244
Stamina: 271


Speed: 289
Acceleration: 275
Stamina: 210