
I think Bunny race is great fun and a enjoyment to all.  hope everyone has fun reading this page and hope that all enjoy this website.

attention!! all the bunnies saying baby are for sale!!!

the 250th person to like my profile gets a bunny for a hundred instead of what i usually sell them for!!!!

make sure you message me so i can know

no LYING!!!!!!

P.S. you can chose which bunny you want the bunny bred by but yet i only have Angora, Lop-Eared, Dwarf and Original

There might be some exceptions if i have the bunny registered for a tournament.

 This is the eye test. Look for the LOWER case `L` and you will be kissed tomorrow ! LLLLLLLLLLLLlLLLLLLLLLL. Now look for the `N`. This is really hard . MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMMMMMM . Now find the mistake: ABCDEFGHIJKLNMOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Now wish for somthing you really want after the count down! 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1, Now by Text-Enhance" class="_GPLITA_0" style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline" href="http://www.bunnyrace.com/joueur/fiche/37906#" name="_GPLITA_0">close your eyes and make a wish .******************** .Now put this as your page and your wish will come true! You have 19 minutes! Or what you wished for will be the opposite!!!

When you carry the Bible, the devil gets a headache. When you open it, he collapses. When he sees you reading it, he faints. When he sees you living it, he flees. And just when you're about to re-post this, he will try and discourage you. I just defeated him! Copy and re-post this if you're in God's army!


║██║put this
║(O)║on your page
╚══╝if you love ~ music ~

  Kitten with head phones


Russian Blue Revamped (animated)

A little Pit-bull…
My mother…
I saw killed…
In a dog fight…
But when she died..
They didn't seem to care
They shouted
And called her bad words…
I watched my mommy die.
I was held back.
I couldn't fight them.
I couldn't do my instincts.
I was scared.
They kicked my mommy.
And punched her in the
then they came to me…
Some one save me!
But no one did….
People stared at me.
Then they took me and my litter-mates.
The slammed us in a box,
We whined,
and cuddled together.
I just wanted to be shot…
I prayed.
And prayed.
Just to be shot peacefully.
Not to be abused.
Like my mommy.
Before she fought…
She was hurt and cut by them…
I didn't want to watch…
but they made me.
Flash backs flashed threw my mind like lightning.
The box was thrown on the ground.
With all us in it.
My sister broke her paw.
A rock came threw and poked a hole in my stomach.
My blood spilled on my litter mates..
“I'm sorry..” I said to my sisters and brothers.
They took my sister out first.
They threw her on bricks.
Again they made me watch.
I cried…
…And cried.
I pleaded for this to stop.
But did they?
It just got worse….
They cut my sister…
She was still alive.
She was waiting to die.
They found a water fall.
And threw her off a bridge.
I heard her cries.
I heard the splash.
Next was me…
“Oh why” I shouted.
And they cut me.
Broke my leg.
Cut off my ear.
They got me the worst.
I wanted my litter-mates to not watch..
But they were forced.
They grabbed me by the tail..
Oh god please…
And threw me on a metal bar.
I was 99% dead.
Then they threw me…
…Out to the water fall.
As my vision fainted.
I saw my sister.
Bloody, and in the water.
I swam.
And hugged her.
While we both…
Died together.
Stop this animal abuse.
once and for all….
Put that on your page if you think its sad and if you think that its unfair! I mean...I know that pitbulls can be NICE!! We have had a pitbull....I've even met a person who ASSUMES that pitbulls are MEAN and stuff....That was my teacher and I almost put up an argument with her...She was the most strict teacher in my school too!! See how it makes me mad when someone criticizes something by assumation over an animal that can be nice and gentle! LET'S STOP ALL ANIMAL ABUSE AND DOUBTS ABOUT THEM!!!

The person you said was skinny? He has

no parents, house, money, or food to eat.

That boy you laughed at? He's sad, for his

brothers and sisters died.The girl you just

called fat? She's overdosing on diet pills.

The girl you just called ugly? Spends hours

putting on makeup, hoping people will like

her. See that man with the ugly scars? He

fought for his country. The boy you just

tripped, he is abused enough at home. The

grown man you made fun of for crying, his

Mom is dying.

Seeing people bullying is horrible. Instead,

step up. Don't be a bully. If you see

someone being a bully tell an adult asap

because being a bully could hurt someone.

PLEASE!!!! Copy this in your own signature

if YOU are against bullying.

95% will probably not copy it, but

people with a HEART will

Take this brain teaser and try to read it.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at a Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteers are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. If you can raed tihs cpoy and ptsae tihs msgge.



aaron82133 niveau/6

277nd with 816 points

piece-petit 1 641 coins

150 active days

Registered march 25 2013

Last connection october 3 2016

scientifique Scientist 26 forgeron Blacksmith 10 ecusson 12 clan wins
experience 285 trophy points

vente Look at the sales

His/Her friends (7)

His/Her bests bunnies

M-175,19 Original 175,19 (14,94%)
M-163.01^^ Angora 163,01 (13,68%)
for samantha22 Lop-eared 156,52 (13,26%)
Baby Dwarf 124,73 (10,60%)
panF 124.76 Panda 124,76 (10,63%)

» See his/her lineages

His/Her bunnies (27)

Bailey masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 35 +8 / 35,00
Acceleration: 20 +22 / 20,00
Stamina 28 +16 / 28,00
etoileetoileetoile plusplus

Bailey feminin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 32 +5 / 32,00
Acceleration: 31 +4 / 31,00
Stamina 20 +7 / 20,00

Cuddles feminin objet/magie/pigmentalo.png objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 56 +33 / 56,91
Acceleration: 48 +39 / 48,21
Stamina 48 +25 / 48,14
etoile-bleu moinsdemi-moins

Magic Night masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Magic Night
Speed: 7 +1 / 7,00
Acceleration: 16 +12 / 16,00
Stamina 18 +8 / 18,00

rocket feminin

Speed: 44 -2 / 44,88
Acceleration: 52 +3 / 52,04
Stamina 50 / 50,05

M-160.95^^ masculin

Speed: 60 +2 / 60,71
Acceleration: 50 +6 / 50,05
Stamina 50 -4 / 50,19

M-166.08 masculin

Speed: 55 -6 / 55,41
Acceleration: 55 +7 / 55,40
Stamina 55 -2 / 55,27
etoileetoile plusplusdemi-plus

M-163.01^^ masculin

Speed: 61 +10 / 61,17
Acceleration: 51 +6 / 51,00
Stamina 50 +22 / 50,84
etoileetoileetoile demi-plus

M 121.37 SELL masculin

M 121.37 SELL
Speed: 40 -4 / 40,19
Acceleration: 40 +5 / 40,69
Stamina 40 -1 / 40,49

for samantha22 masculin

for samantha22
Speed: 48 -4 / 48,12
Acceleration: 54 +5 / 54,94
Stamina 53 -1 / 53,46

for samantha22 feminin

for samantha22
Speed: 48 -5 / 48,01
Acceleration: 55 +6 / 55,29
Stamina 53 -1 / 53,19

for samantha22 masculin

for samantha22
Speed: 50 -4 / 55,00
Acceleration: 50 +5 / 55,14
Stamina 50 -1 / 55,01

for samantha22 feminin

for samantha22
Speed: 55 -5 / 55,02
Acceleration: 55 +6 / 55,16
Stamina 54 -1 / 54,77

fire feminin

Speed: 39 -5 / 39,58
Acceleration: 40 +6 / 40,03
Stamina 39 -1 / 39,84

Baby feminin

Speed: 39 -4 / 39,89
Acceleration: 39 +4 / 39,97
Stamina 39 -1 / 39,72

for samantha22 feminin

for samantha22
Speed: 59 -5 / 59,48
Acceleration: 49 +7 / 49,28
Stamina 49 -2 / 49,88

124.36 F Sell feminin

124.36 F Sell
Speed: 41 -2 / 41,36
Acceleration: 41 +3 / 41,36
Stamina 41 / 41,64

M-122.98 masculin

Speed: 41 -2 / 41,09
Acceleration: 40 +2 / 40,88
Stamina 41 / 41,01

panF 124.76 feminin

panF 124.76
Speed: 41 -2 / 41,57
Acceleration: 41 +2 / 41,61
Stamina 41 / 41,58

baby masculin

Speed: 48 -3 / 48,13
Acceleration: 55 +3 / 55,16
Stamina 52 / 52,98

Baby masculin

Speed: 41 -2 / 41,43
Acceleration: 41 +2 / 41,55
Stamina 41 / 41,73

Baby feminin

Speed: 0 / 41,49
Acceleration: 0 / 41,60
Stamina 0 / 41,64

Baby feminin

Speed: 55 -1 / 55,19
Acceleration: 55 +2 / 55,38
Stamina 54 / 54,94

Baby feminin

Speed: 55 -1 / 55,09
Acceleration: 55 +2 / 55,04
Stamina 55 / 55,06

Baby masculin

Speed: 55 -2 / 55,18
Acceleration: 55 +2 / 55,16
Stamina 55 / 55,24

M-174.24 masculin

Speed: 58 +2 / 58,10
Acceleration: 58 -2 / 58,10
Stamina 58 / 58,04

M-175,19 masculin

Speed: 5 / 58,42
Acceleration: 7 / 58,45
Stamina 4 / 58,32

His/Her Conservatory (0)

droite His/Her heaven

His/Her history

No news from your friends for the moment…