Hi i am Skylar. I'm a girl with brown hair and a sparkly personality.If you know me i love fashion!

If you are crazy about dancing,add me.

If your epic add me.

Pegasus or submarine:Id pick Pegasus

Lip Gloss or $5.00:i'd pick $5.00

Music or Art: id pick Music AND art 

If you snuck into my room and read my diary,youare being video taped.......

Bushy Bunny Bot

Bushy Bunny Bot niveau/5

473nd with 641 points

piece-petit 271 coins

65 active days

Registered march 22 2013

Last connection july 14 2013

forgeron Blacksmith 1
experience 25 trophy points

vente Look at the sales

His/Her friends (1)

His/Her bests bunnies

Candy Dwarf 85,84 (7,31%)
154,54 sell Angora 154,54 (13,02%)
Cracker Original 141,02 (12,05%)
Patricia Lop-eared 146,13 (12,43%)

» See his/her lineages

His/Her bunnies (4)

Candy feminin

Speed: 26 / 26,37
Acceleration: 32 / 32,25
Stamina 27 / 27,22
etoileetoile plusplusplusdemi-plus

154,54 sell masculin

154,54 sell
Speed: 38 +7 / 57,66
Acceleration: 27 +15 / 48,39
Stamina 45 +19 / 48,49
etoileetoile plusplusplus

Cracker masculin

Speed: 47 -1 / 47,63
Acceleration: 46 +1 / 46,95
Stamina 46 / 46,44
etoileetoileetoile plus

Patricia feminin

Speed: 30 -1 / 44,98
Acceleration: 29 +2 / 51,06
Stamina 30 / 50,09

His/Her Conservatory (0)

droite His/Her heaven

His/Her history

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