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Lili14 niveau/6

213nd with 898 points

piece-petit 5 816 coins

206 active days

Registered february 16 2013

Last connection june 17 2014

scientifique Scientist 20 ecusson 29 clan wins
experience 250 trophy points

vente Look at the sales

His/Her friends (9)

His/Her bests bunnies

  Original 138,47 (11,84%)
124.13 F TOPGEN Dwarf 124,13 (10,57%)
119.08 F TOPGEN Panda 119,08 (10,19%)
166.67 M TOPGEN Lop-eared 166,67 (14,17%)

» See his/her lineages

His/Her bunnies (8)

  feminin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 46 +43 / 46,91
Acceleration: 46 +19 / 46,19
Stamina 45 +30 / 45,37
etoile-bleu plusplus

Chocolate masculin objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 35 +3 / 35,00
Acceleration: 26 +7 / 26,00
Stamina 22 +5 / 22,00
etoileetoileetoile plusplusplus

117.78 M TOPGEN masculin

117.78 M TOPGEN
Speed: 26 -1 / 38,96
Acceleration: 16 +2 / 39,32
Stamina 16 / 39,50

119.08 F TOPGEN feminin

119.08 F TOPGEN
Speed: 28 -1 / 39,27
Acceleration: 17 +1 / 40,35
Stamina 17 / 39,46

166.67 M TOPGEN masculin

166.67 M TOPGEN
Speed: 16 / 51,56
Acceleration: 16 / 58,69
Stamina 15 / 56,42

166.40 F TOPGEN feminin

166.40 F TOPGEN
Speed: 16 / 51,59
Acceleration: 15 / 58,47
Stamina 15 / 56,34

113.90 F TOPGEN feminin

113.90 F TOPGEN
Speed: 18 -1 / 38,76
Acceleration: 11 +1 / 37,13
Stamina 10 / 38,01

114.07 M TOPGEN masculin

114.07 M TOPGEN
Speed: 20 -1 / 38,79
Acceleration: 12 +1 / 36,74
Stamina 12 / 38,54

His/Her Conservatory (2)

100.6 M TOPGEN masculin

100.6 M TOPGEN
Speed: 35 -2 / 35,32
Acceleration: 32 +2 / 32,32
Stamina 32 / 32,42
etoile plusplus

124.13 F TOPGEN feminin

124.13 F TOPGEN
Speed: 41 +7 / 41,47
Acceleration: 41 -6 / 41,09
Stamina 41 -2 / 41,57
etoile plusplus

droite His/Her heaven

His/Her history

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