Hey There!

1. You are reading this

2. You are human

3. You can't say the letter 'p' without separating your lips

4. You just attempted to do it

6. You are laughing at yourself

7. You have a smile on your face and you skipped number 5

8. You just checked to see if there is a number 5

9. Your laughing at this because your a GOOF and everyone does it

10. You will probably share this to see who else falls for it.


are like apples

on trees.The bestones

are at the top of the tree.

Theboysdon't want toreach

for the good onesbecause they

are afraid of falling and gettinghurt.

Instead,theyjust get the rotten apples

fromtheground that aren'tas good,

but easy.So theapples at the topthink

somethingiswrong with them, when in

reality , they're amazing.They just

havetowait for the right boy to

come along,theone who's


climb all

the way

to the top

of the tree.

all girls copythis and pasteit on yourpage

Photo: SHARE & SAVE MOLLY - the puppy pitbull used as bait. http://www.hendrickboards.com/shop/critical-needs/critical-needs-molly?tracking=50ab9f9e1a6e2 Molly is a young pit bull with severe injuries. She is about 6 months old. She was tied to a pole and was left to die in a basement of an abandoned row home in Baltimore City. She was used as a bait dog for dog fighting. She was so badly injured that she has had muscled removed from her sides and multiple surgeries to try and save her life. Now Molly needs our help. We every purchase of our limited edition Simply Love Molly tee you can help save Molly's life! Each tee triggers a life saving donation to help show Molly her life is worth fighting for! http://www.hendrickboards.com/shop/critical-needs/critical-needs-molly?tracking=50ab9f9e1a6e2

stop animal abuse Pictures, Images and Photos
Remember me? To the Irresponsible Breeder

Remember me, though I know that you won't
I'm the rabbit you bred, I'm the soul that you owned

Remember my mum, though you'll just get confused
She's the doe that you broke, she's the womb that you used

Remember the vet that you didn't call
When the blood ran so dark in the middle of fall

Remember how cruelly you shoved me away
When I dared nip your hand - I just wanted to play

Remember the age that you wrenched me from mum
With my hold on life fragile and my weaning not done

Remember the home that you didn't check
That kept me confined, picked me up by the neck

You'll remember the blood money you exchanged for my life
You'll remember the goodies it bought you and the wife

Now imagine my fate and cringe with your shame
See my sad lifeless eyes and my bones - it won't be the same

I've known neglect and abuse I feared never would end
and when Death came for me, it came as a friend

There are thousands just like me in the yard, street and pound
And whilst bad breeders breed this grim cycle goes round

You failed in your duty though I was born at your will
Now I'm your fatal shadow that walks by you still

I hope, my cruel breeder, that your guilt's worth your gain
You filled your car with my fear, bought your beer with my pain

But no act goes unnoticed and no sin goes unpaid
You'll account for my life at the end of your days

I'll be right there beside you when at your Reckoning you stand
You'll remember me then - it's my blood on your hands.

boys are like trees they take 50 years to grow up or even more

The person you said was skinny? He has

no parents, house, money, or food to eat.

That boy you laughed at? He's sad, for his

brothers and sisters died.The girl you just

called fat? She's overdosing on diet pills.

The girl you just called ugly? Spends hours

putting on makeup, hoping people will like

her. See that man with the ugly scars? He

fought for his country. The boy you just

tripped, he is abused enough at home.

95% will probably not copy it, but

people with a heart will

I was your best friend as a kitten. You threw hairbands and I brought them back to you. You would happily pet me and call me your baby girl and princess. I loved you and kept you safe from the bad dreams that you had when you were little. As you got older, you brought more boys into the home. I saw you light some weed and crack every now and then, but loved you all the same. I slept by your side at night, but when a boy was in the home, you would kick me and throw me into the closet. I waited until the boy left and you let me out. As time progressed, you stopped feeding me and giving me water. You only fed me when you bred me and sold my beloved kits. When I was old and delivered a bad litter, you threw me and my kits outside to live in the cold and darkness. My kits were blind, one deaf, and my third was born dead. I thought you cared, but I was wrong. When winter struck, my kittens died and I lived in a trash can until the humane society found me. I was given food and shelter, but no attention that an old she-cat needed. People would look at me through my cage, they would smile and wave, but no-one ever took me home. I was too old for anyone's likings. One cold winter day, a man with tears in his eyes took me out of my cage and into a light filled room. He told me I was going to a better and pain free place. I purred and licked his hand weakly as he placed the antiseptic needle in my veins. As I closed my eyes, I thought of you, my hurtful owner, that I loved and cared for when you were young. It was I who made you laugh when you were about to cry. It was I, the old female cat, that put up with you as you grew older, and this was the thanks I got. I closed my eyes and entered a pain free place, as the lovely man promised me. Copy this story onto your page if you hate animal abuse and if it brought tears to your eyes as it did mine. (from Radionuclide)


amazingmaxino niveau/5

501nd with 618 points

piece-petit 1 202 coins

123 active days

Registered october 3 2012

Last connection january 30 2019

alchimiste Alchemist 24 scientifique Scientist 18 couronne 2 leader winsecusson 2 clan wins
experience 225 trophy points

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His/Her friends (3)

His/Her bests bunnies

M-270.29 Lop-eared 270,29 (22,99%)
M-285.39 Panda 285,39 (24,42%)
M-225.37 Original 225,37 (19,27%)

» See his/her lineages

His/Her bunnies (18)

Geoff masculin

Speed: 70 -1 / 70,93
Acceleration: 96 +1 / 96,97
Stamina 83 / 83,32
etoileetoileetoile plusplusplusdemi-plus

Anastasia feminin

Speed: 74 -1 / 74,42
Acceleration: 101 +1 / 101,25
Stamina 86 / 86,71
etoile-bleu moins

Cinder feminin

Speed: 98 / 98,51
Acceleration: 99 / 99,32
Stamina 71 / 71,97
etoile-bleu moinsmoinsdemi-moins

Dalia feminin

Speed: 54 -1 / 54,62
Acceleration: 67 +1 / 67,84
Stamina 67 / 67,13
etoileetoileetoile plusplusdemi-plus

Sunny masculin

Speed: 58 -1 / 58,29
Acceleration: 56 +1 / 56,49
Stamina 60 / 60,05
etoileetoileetoile plusplusplus

Bluebell masculin

Speed: 95 / 95,92
Acceleration: 99 / 99,61
Stamina 71 / 71,23

M-207.31 masculin

Speed: 63 +4 / 63,23
Acceleration: 70 +11 / 70,55
Stamina 73 +3 / 73,53
etoileetoileetoile plusdemi-plus

F-196.35 feminin

Speed: 61 -1 / 61,10
Acceleration: 66 +1 / 66,62
Stamina 68 / 68,63
etoileetoileetoile demi-moins

M-270.29 masculin

Speed: 74 -1 / 74,83
Acceleration: 105 +1 / 105,16
Stamina 90 / 90,30

M-277.19 masculin

Speed: 101 +4 / 101,07
Acceleration: 102 +19 / 102,77
Stamina 73 +13 / 73,35
etoileetoileetoile plusplus

F-276.78 feminin

Speed: 100 +1 / 100,33
Acceleration: 101 +1 / 101,57
Stamina 74 +4 / 74,88
etoileetoileetoile plus

F-267.62 feminin

Speed: 74 +8 / 74,02
Acceleration: 105 +1 / 105,39
Stamina 81 +10 / 88,21
etoile-bleu moinsmoinsmoins

F-281.05 feminin

Speed: 0 / 101,95
Acceleration: 0 / 102,89
Stamina 0 / 76,21

F-282.54 feminin

Speed: 0 / 103,04
Acceleration: 0 / 104,27
Stamina 0 / 75,23

F-283.61 feminin

Speed: 0 / 105,15
Acceleration: 0 / 102,97
Stamina 0 / 75,49

M-285.39 masculin

Speed: 0 / 104,86
Acceleration: 0 / 103,85
Stamina 0 / 76,68

M-225.37 masculin

Speed: 0 / 65,96
Acceleration: 0 / 79,08
Stamina 0 / 80,33

M-222.72 masculin

Speed: 0 / 71,64
Acceleration: 0 / 73,90
Stamina 0 / 77,18

His/Her Conservatory (1)

Adrianna feminin

Speed: 50 -1 / 50,29
Acceleration: 56 +1 / 56,54
Stamina 55 / 55,10
etoileetoileetoile demi-moins

droite His/Her heaven

His/Her history

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