The girl you just called fat? She's overdosing on diet pills.

The girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her.

See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for his country.

The boy you just tripped, he is abused enough at home.

That guy you just made fun of for crying, his mother is dying.

Copy and paste this in your signature if you're against bullying. 95% probably won't copy this, but people with a heart will.



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PinkLoverrr niveau/5

996nd with 354 points

piece-petit 2 861 coins

89 active days

Registered may 29 2012

Last connection may 9 2014

forgeron Blacksmith 7
experience 140 trophy points

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Baby Lop-eared 101,49 (8,63%)

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Kyo masculin

Speed: 19 -1 / 29,53
Acceleration: 36 +1 / 36,63
Stamina 32 / 32,69

OrangeTop masculin

Speed: 0 -1 / 28,01
Acceleration: 36 +1 / 36,92
Stamina 7 / 30,85

Lucy feminin

Speed: 0 -1 / 28,84
Acceleration: 37 +1 / 37,40
Stamina 4 / 32,63

OreoBoy masculin

Speed: 0 -1 / 28,80
Acceleration: 36 +1 / 36,14
Stamina 7 / 33,19

Baby masculin

Speed: 0 / 30,84
Acceleration: 0 / 38,38
Stamina 0 / 32,27

Baby masculin

Speed: 0 / 28,92
Acceleration: 0 / 36,87
Stamina 0 / 34,02

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