Decorator's Tournament - February 2

Decorator's Tournament

Welcome to the enchanting world of Creative Rabbits, where the art of decorating reaches new heights! We're delighted to invite you to take part in our online tournament, featuring an important figure without whom you'd be hard pressed to make your park bonuses: the Decorator.

Among the rewards, you'll find it worth your while to visit him later and make whatever you need.

▶ Requierements

☑ Forbidden to magic bunnies

Good luck!

Registration: piece-petit 9 coins
Group: etoile-rougeetoile-rougeetoile-rouge
Traps: Allowed
Magic Rabbits: Forbidden ko
Participants: 10
Rewards: view rewards
Qualification: 1st and 2nd
You: You aren't registered yet
Start: tournament finished


Every five minutes, a new tournament race is organized
The races on the waiting list are run, and the following tournaments are prepared.