Hairybeard! - June 26 2024
Hairybeard! Welcome to the exclusive Hairy Beard Rabbit Tournament! An event where our furry friends with remarkable coats take center stage. In this tournament, Hairy Beard Rabbits compete in challenges specially designed to showcase their splendid fur. Beauty contests, fashion shows, and even beard styling challenges are on the agenda. Participants will be judged on the length, thickness, and luster of their fur, as well as their elegance and charisma. Get ready to be dazzled by the majesty of Hairy Beard Rabbits and to applaud their prowess in this one-of-a-kind tournament! ▶ Requierements ☑ An Heary Beard Rabbit Good luck all! |
Every five minutes, a new tournament race is organized
The races on the waiting list are run, and the following tournaments are prepared.