The magic of the sky: Thunderstorms - December 8 2023

Veterans Day

Thunderstorms, both captivating and frightening, are a magical and terrifying event! The impressive rumble of thunder and the dazzling lightning that criss-crosses the sky during storms have inspired Mr. Turtle for the next stage in this series: the Storm Tournament.

▶ Requierements

☑ A thunder bracelet

☑ A lightening bracelet

☑ Forbidden to magic bunnies

Good luck to every rabbit!

Registration: piece-petit 10 coins
Group: etoile-bleuetoile-bleu
Participants: 13
Rewards: view rewards
Qualification: 1st and 2nd
You: You aren't registered yet
Start: tournament finished


Every five minutes, a new tournament race is organized
The races on the waiting list are run, and the following tournaments are prepared.