5-element series : The tournament of Air - October 17 2023

Welcome back to the 5 elements tournament series! I hope you enjoy it.

Rabbits, as living beings, are influenced by the five elements in different ways.

On this beautiful sunny day, Mr. Turtle invites you to think about the next element: air.

Air can symbolize lightness and freedom. Rabbits are known for their agility and ability to jump and run quickly, which can be seen as a manifestation of the element of Air.


For this tournament, you'll need a Japanese bracelet.

Caution! Magic rabbits are not part of this tournament series.


As a reminder, the mandatory equipment for this tournament is: Japanese bracelet.


Good luck to you all!

Registration: piece-petit 9 coins
Group: etoile-bleuetoile-bleu
Participants: 14
Rewards: view rewards
Qualification: 1st and 2nd
You: You aren't registered yet
Start: tournament finished


Every five minutes, a new tournament race is organized
The races on the waiting list are run, and the following tournaments are prepared.