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When the devil sees you carrying the bible, he gets a headache. When he sees you open it, he collaspes. When he sees you reading it, he faints. When he sees you living it, he flees. And just when your about to post this, he tries to discourage you. I just defeated him! Post this if your in God's army! <3 

Loser Loser

 Funny Text Messages I want a giraffe
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten years old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital, so the government decided that the best idea was to get rid of her, so they set up a special room to kill her as humanely as possible but it went wrong, the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. Apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow.

I was your best friend as a kitten. You threw hairbands and I brought them back to you. You would happily pet me and call me your baby girl and princess. I loved you and kept you safe from the bad dreams that you had when you were little. As you got older, you brought more boys into the home. I saw you light some weed and crack every now and then, but loved you all the same. I slept by your side at night, but when a boy was in the home, you would kick me and throw me into the closet. I waited until the boy left and you let me out. As time progressed, you stopped feeding me and giving me water. You only fed me when you bred me and sold my beloved kits. When I was old and delivered a bad litter, you threw me and my kits outside to live in the cold and darkness. My kits were blind, one deaf, and my third was born dead. I thought you cared, but I was wrong. When winter struck, my kittens died and I lived in a trash can until the humane society found me. I was given food and shelter, but no attention that an old she-cat needed. People would look at me through my cage, they would smile and wave, but no-one ever took me home. I was too old for anyone's likings. One cold winter day, a man with tears in his eyes took me out of my cage and into a light filled room. He told me I was going to a better and pain free place. I purred and licked his hand weakly as he placed the antiseptic needle in my veins. As I closed my eyes, I thought of you, my hurtful owner, that I loved and cared for when you were young. It was I who made you laugh when you were about to cry. It was I, the old female cat, that put up with you as you grew older, and this was the thanks I got. I closed my eyes and entered a pain free place, as the lovely man promised me. Copy this story onto your page if you hate animal abuse and if it brought tears to your eyes as it did mine. (from Radionuclide)Im keena

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 <--------------in loving memory of hot peppers :(hot peppers

A little pitbull…
My mother…
I saw killed…
In a dog fight…
But when she died..
They didnt seem to care
They shouted
And called her bad words…
I watched my mommy die.
I was held back.
I couldnt fight them.
I couldnt do my insticts.
I was scared.
They kicked my mommy.
And punched her in the
then they came to me…
Some one save me!
But no one did….
People stared at me.
Then they took me and my littermates.
The slammed us in a box,
We whined,
and cuddled together.
I just wanted to be shot…
I prayed.
And prayed.
Just to be shot peacfully.
Not to be abused.
Like my mommy.
Before she fought…
She was hurt and cut by them…
I didn’t want to watch…
but they made me.
Flash backs flashed threw my mind like lightning.
The box was thrown on the ground.
With all us in it.
My sister broke her paw.
A rock came threw and poked a hole in my stomach.
My blood spilled on my litter mates..
“im sorry..” I said to my sisters and brothers.
They took my sister out first.
They threw her on bricks.
Again they made me watch.
I cried…
…And cried.
I pleeded for this to stop.
But did they?
It just got worse….
They cut my sister…
She was still alive.
She was waiting to die.
They found a water fall.
And threw her off a bridge.
I heard her cries.
I heard the splash.
Next was me…
“Oh why” I shouted.
And they cut me.
Broke my leg.
Cut off my ear.
They got me the worst.
I wanted my littermates to not watch..
But they were forced.
They grabbed me by the tail..
Oh god please…
And threw me on a metal bar.
I was 99% dead.
Then they threw me…
…Out to the water fall.

As my vision fainted.
I saw my sister.
Bloody, and in the water.
I swam.
And hugged her.
While we both…
Died together.
Stop this animal abuse.
once and for all….
Put that on your page if you think its sad
It is soo sad!!! Pitbulls aren't bad so why do they get abused?


                             A 16 year old boy ask his father "Dad; what are you going to give me for my 18th birthday? " the father answers; "son thats still a long way".....
   Now the boy is 17 years old and one day he faints. His father takes him to the hospital and the doctor says, "sir, your child has a bad heart".Behind the guy on the stretcher the boy says "did he tell you i'm going to die?" *father starts crying* 
   The boy finally recovers on his 18th birthday , so he comes home and on his bed was a letter that his father had left him. The letter said; son if your reading this its because everything went well,remember the day that you asked me what i was giving you for your 18 years and i didn't know what to answer you? So, I gave you my heart. Happy Birthdah son <3"  
old gramps

old gramps niveau/6

489nd with 625 points

piece-petit 3 716 coins

111 active days

Registered february 8 2013

Last connection april 24 2014

alchimiste Alchemist 8
experience 175 trophy points

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His/Her friends (18)

His/Her bests bunnies

Victoria Angora 154,91 (13,05%)
Fabrice Original 157,73 (13,48%)
Gift Lop-eared 158,07 (13,44%)

» See his/her lineages

His/Her bunnies (10)

Victoria feminin objet/magie/pigmentalo.png objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 57 +5 / 57,63
Acceleration: 48 +11 / 48,46
Stamina 48 +8 / 48,82

Joe masculin

Speed: 49 -2 / 49,52
Acceleration: 49 +3 / 49,69
Stamina 49 / 49,50

Buck masculin

Speed: 49 -2 / 49,12
Acceleration: 48 +3 / 48,72
Stamina 49 / 49,38

Fabrice masculin objet/magie/pigmentalo.png objet/magie/boost-competence.png objet/magie/energie-infinie.png objet/magie/immortel.png

Speed: 52 +21 / 52,45
Acceleration: 52 +23 / 52,85
Stamina 52 +22 / 52,43
etoile-bleuetoile-bleu moinsmoins

King's Cross masculin objet/magie/pigmentalo.png

King's Cross
Speed: 57 +15 / 57,22
Acceleration: 48 +22 / 48,20
Stamina 48 +20 / 48,46
etoile-bleu moins

Dash feminin

Speed: 55 -3 / 55,65
Acceleration: 47 +3 / 47,15
Stamina 47 / 47,89
etoile plus

Booya! masculin

Speed: 51 -1 / 51,30
Acceleration: 51 +5 / 51,27
Stamina 51 +3 / 51,21
etoileetoileetoile plusplusplusdemi-plus

Flower feminin

Speed: 51 -3 / 51,00
Acceleration: 51 +4 / 51,02
Stamina 50 / 50,58
etoile plus

Hot Peppers 2 feminin

Hot Peppers 2
Speed: 57 -2 / 57,13
Acceleration: 47 +3 / 47,28
Stamina 47 / 47,59
etoileetoile plusdemi-plus

Gift masculin

Speed: 2 -2 / 48,81
Acceleration: 3 +3 / 55,47
Stamina 5 / 53,79

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