Warriors:BloodClan:After Scourge

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chat Warriors:BloodClan:After Scourge
by a stranger april 2015

February 2016
a stranger niveau/
Hollowkit yawned.
March 2016
a stranger niveau/
a stranger Hollowkit yawned.

March 2016
a stranger niveau/
March 2016
a stranger niveau/
a stranger "Hi Splash! My name is Mousekit and these are my littermates, Hollowkit and Talonkit. We are all pleased to meet you!" Mousekit meowed.

Splash nodded as he turned his head to speak with Ebonyleaf.
"Who's kits are they?" Splash quietly asked, so the kits couldn't hear.

( i'll be T.A.G's character while T.A.G's gone.)

"Nobody knows, not even them." Ebonyleaf whispered.

"Don't be so sure about that Mousekit." Hollowkit replyed.
March 2016
a stranger niveau/
March 2016
a stranger niveau/
"Could you organize a hunting patrol Ebonyleaf?" Whiskerstar's voice made Ebonyleaf jump.

"Yeah, sure Whiskerstar!" Ebonyleaf meowed.

Ebonyleaf ran over to a spot under the Big Trash Bin. "Stripestorm, Splash, and Owlpaw will go on a hunting patrol."
April 2016
a stranger niveau/
(Bump ='( }
May 2016
a stranger niveau/
August 2016
a stranger niveau/
( can we please revamp this? it was a great roleplay ! )
August 2016
a stranger niveau/
December 2016
a stranger niveau/
*Time skip 2 moons*
December 2016
a stranger niveau/
( It is near Owlpaw's warrior ceremony and Hollowkit's, Mousekit's, and Talonkit's apprentice ceremonies. Also, Stormkit, Mistkit, Tawnykit, and Brownkit are 2 moons old)

Whiskerstar stretched her limbs and let out a large yawn as Ebonyleaf walked past.

Stormkit and Tawnykit were both fighting over how gets their mouse's eye, as oddly, it was both their favorite part of the mouse, as Tawnykit nommed on the snozzing Browinkit's ear.
December 2016
a stranger niveau/
Ebonyleaf strolled towards the nursery as she thought about Owlpaw, and what to say to WHiskerstar.


"Huh? What is it Ebonyleaf?" Whiskerstar yawned.

"I was thinking it was about time for Owlpaw to become a warrior..." Ebonyleaf explained, "She has been doing well with hunting, and fighting in particular!"

"Hmm.. Yes, yes she has. I will think about it." Whiskerstar meowed.

December 2016
a stranger niveau/
Ebonyleaf padded off, unknowingly being followed by Mousekit.

Whiskerstar stretched once more, and got to her feet.
December 2016
a stranger niveau/
Whiskerstar leaped onto the the Large Dumpster and loudly meowed "Everycat in BloodClan gather around the Large Dumpster!!"

All BloodClan cats hurried to the Clan Meeting.
December 2016
a stranger niveau/
"Owlpaw, step forward, so that StarClan may see you." Whiskerstar called.

Owlpaw did was show was told, confused and surprised.

"I, Whiskerstar, leader of BloodClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn." Whiskerstar shouted, shifting her position.

"Owlpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Owlpaw vowed.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Owlpaw, from this moment you will be known as Owlfeather. StarClan honors your cunning, smarts, hunting, and fighting abilities, and we welcome you as a full warrior of BloodClan." Whiskerstar meowed excitedly.
December 2016
a stranger niveau/
Whiskerstar touches noses with Owlfeather as the clan chears her new warriors name "Owlfeather !! Owlfeather !!!"
December 2016
a stranger niveau/
Whiskerstar's ear twitches as she calls up the next cat. "Mousekit, Step forward."

Mousekit steps forward as he is told.

"Mousekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Mousepaw. Your mentor will be Ebonyleaf. I hope Ebonyleaf will pass down all she knows on to you."

Whiskerstar proceeds to call Ebonyleaf forward.

"Ebonyleaf, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from HollowHeart, and you have shown yourself to be a excellent at hunting and kind. You will be the mentor of Mousepaw , and I expect you to pass on all you know to Mousepaw."
December 2016
a stranger niveau/
Whiskerstar takes a deep breath and calls up the next cat.

"Talonkit, step forward."

Talonkit did so.

"Talonkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Talonpaw. Your mentor will be Stripestorm. I hope Stripestorm will pass down all she knows on to you."

Whiskerstar proceeds to call Stripestorm forward with great pride.

"Stripestorm, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from myself, and you have shown yourself to be brave, determined and clever. You will be the mentor of Talonpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Talonpaw."
December 2016
a stranger niveau/
"Come forward Hollowkit." Whiskerstar exclaimed.

She walked forward, excited because she wondered who her mentor was going to be.

"Hollowkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Hollowpaw. Your mentor will be Silverpatch. I hope Silverpatch will pass down all he/she knows on to you."

"Silverpatch, meet your apprentice."

Silverpatch purred as he walked up.

"Silverpatch, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from (Insert Unknown Elder), and you have shown yourself to be caring and strong. You will be the mentor of Hollowpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Hollowpaw."
December 2016
a stranger niveau/
"May all knew apprentices touch noses with their mentors. The Clan meet is over, everycat can go back to their places." Whiskerstar explained, then she leaped off the dumpster and stalked back to the nursery.
December 2016
a stranger niveau/
Whiskerstar plopped back into her nest in the nursery. She slowly drifted to sleep.

She opened her eyes to a large, ice covered lake. Then suddenly, Strikepelt materialized.

"Strikepelt! What are you doing in my dream?" Whiskerstar asked, strongly surprised.

"BloodClan will fall on hard times in the close future." Strikepelt explains, "There is a cat to be; with eyes of amber;that will stand out from the rest! Their abilities will bring BloodClan to the top again."

"But who is this cat? Will they be kitted soon? BLOODCLAN NEEDS TO KNOW!" Whiskerstar yowled.

"StarClan can not see into the future, we can only hypothisise." Strikepelt said as she, and everything else faded to black.

Whiskerstar woke with a jolt.
August 2018
a stranger niveau/
(Oh wow this is old)
August 2018
a stranger niveau/
(I’m making an actual story from this on wattpad, well, a few. www.wattpad.com/rowinRPS )
September 2019
a stranger niveau/
September 2019
a stranger niveau/
(I need this to stay up so I can transfer this all to a doc, so Dear Bunnyrace Staff, please keep this up!! Bump)
Today, at 9:00pm
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