Tournament against darkness:The ornament - October 31 2014

◦ The ornament

Darkness won his first fragment! His capacities have been declined.
What will be the outcome of the contest?

3nd fragment of armor : The dark alliance
One can describe this jewel as harder than a diamond but darker than the night ; and moans can be heard when nobody wears it.
This object is really writhing in evil spells.

Who can take place?
As it was expected, Powers of Evil set the conditions for the tournament: “Only Dwarf bunnies are able to win. If you knock out Darkness, you’ll take the fragment.”
Registration: piece-petit 8 coins
Group: etoile-bleuetoile-bleu
Participants: 46
Rewards: view rewards
Qualification: 1st and 2nd
You: You aren't registered yet
Start: tournament finished


The draw for organizing the races is still in progress…